Hi again, everybody…
Welcome to the discussion forum for
the August 7th  2019 “CLEO and COMPANY”
As you see by the links above, we read it on Sherpa
and then comment here, on the 10-years-to-the-day-old Ballard Street strip.
Vegan Vic reminds me of lots of people too….
One, a vegetarian friend who, in the 70’s, lectured me mercilessly about everything I ate.
Chickens were “poisonous” because they were fed “chemicals”…
McDonald’s hamburgers were not real meat…. I laughed and said that meant she could eat them.
By the 80’s she and her husband were raising their own chickens…. which were OK to eat, of course….
Then she had a baby…. next time I saw her she was at McDonald’s with him… a hyperactive toddler who only liked to eat hamburgers.
I “invited” a couple of people on other strips to the Cleo comments…. and then…. sigh…. didn’t show up myself, yesterday.
But I did say I was intermittent…. and here I am now!
If you’re here… say hi!
I’ve been a bit scarce not only for the reason you all know…. but also because the county fair is on.
Every year a vendor friend gives me some free tickets and an employee parking pass …. how I got so lucky I do not know.
This year, I don’t feel much in the mood, but I think I need to get out of the house….
and turning down the gift of what would be $15 tickets and $9/day parking seems just too ungrateful to allow myself.
So…. I go… but late… and I stay till the buildings close, which is right about at the turn here…. and make dinner when I get home.
(Not paying the truly outrageous prices to eat mostly unhealthy food at the fair.)
It means I’ve been even more likely to be late or missing on the comics.
But it’ll be over after this coming Sunday.
And I WILL be here for the puzzle, never fear.
I’ll try not to be late but I can’t promise.
Hi again, everybody…
Welcome to the discussion forum for
the August 7th  2019 “CLEO and COMPANY”
As you see by the links above, we read it on Sherpa
and then comment here, on the 10-years-to-the-day-old Ballard Street strip.
Vegan Vic reminds me of lots of people too….
One, a vegetarian friend who, in the 70’s, lectured me mercilessly about everything I ate.
Chickens were “poisonous” because they were fed “chemicals”…
McDonald’s hamburgers were not real meat…. I laughed and said that meant she could eat them.
By the 80’s she and her husband were raising their own chickens…. which were OK to eat, of course….
Then she had a baby…. next time I saw her she was at McDonald’s with him… a hyperactive toddler who only liked to eat hamburgers.
Meanwhile….I “invited” a couple of people on other strips to the Cleo comments…. and then…. sigh…. didn’t show up myself, yesterday.
But I did say I was intermittent…. and here I am now!
If you’re here… say hi!
I’ve been a bit scarce not only for the reason you all know…. but also because the county fair is on.
Every year a vendor friend gives me some free tickets and an employee parking pass …. how I got so lucky I do not know.
This year, I don’t feel much in the mood, but I think I need to get out of the house….
and turning down the gift of what would be $15 tickets and $9/day parking seems just too ungrateful to allow myself.
So…. I go… but late… and I stay till the buildings close, which is right about at the turn here…. and make dinner when I get home.
(Not paying the truly outrageous prices to eat mostly unhealthy food at the fair.)
It means I’ve been even more likely to be late or missing on the comics.
But it’ll be over after this coming Sunday.
And I WILL be here for the puzzle, never fear.
I’ll try not to be late but I can’t promise.