Welcome, all!
You’ve found the comments forum for
the Jan 12th  2020 “CLEO and COMPANY”
Temporarily not on Sherpa, so Nighthawks has posted a link to it, above.
And a historical Cleo it is, at that!
For those of you who haven’t been along for the whole ride….
IIRC… this is the first animated “Cleo and Company” to be shown on Sherpa!
Nighthawks’ first collaboration with StelBel, back in 2014….. and look where it has gone from there.
From color changing refrigerator lights to Star Basset, and that fantastic New Year’s animated clock.
Love the reflections on their faces… and Cleo’s first real-time moving eyeballs.
She was still walking on all fours, and “speaking” in untranslated "wuf"s and "ruf"s… but I think we know what she’s saying.
Soon, she’d be handing out sarcasm, and deftly handling tanks and bazookas…
but here… well, okay… she already manages a bit of sarcasm, I’d say.
Now all we need is Sound-O-Vision… or… er…. Sound-O-Hearing?… um…
Aw heck… I can hear those honks and ah-oooh-gas anyway… can’t you?
Welcome, all!
You’ve found the comments forum for
the Jan 12th  2020 “CLEO and COMPANY”
Temporarily not on Sherpa, so Nighthawks has posted a link to it, above.
And a historical Cleo it is, at that!
For those of you who haven’t been along for the whole ride….
IIRC… this is the first animated “Cleo and Company” to be shown on Sherpa!
Nighthawks’ first collaboration with StelBel, back in 2014….. and look where it has gone from there.
From color changing refrigerator lights to Star Basset, and that fantastic New Year’s animated clock.
Love the reflections on their faces… and Cleo’s first real-time moving eyeballs.
She was still walking on all fours, and “speaking” in untranslated "wuf"s and "ruf"s… but I think we know what she’s saying.
Soon, she’d be handing out sarcasm, and deftly handling tanks and bazookas…
but here… well, okay… she already manages a bit of sarcasm, I’d say.
Now all we need is Sound-O-Vision… or… er…. Sound-O-Hearing?… um…
Aw heck… I can hear those honks and ah-oooh-gas anyway… can’t you?