Well, there’s…. “Mairzy doats ♪ ♫ and dozy doats ♪ ♫” ….
“A kiddley ♫ divey too, woulden’ you? ♪ ♫ ♪ "
My grandpa used to sing that to me.
He loved a good joke… though I was too young to know it.
Wonder what he’d have to say about
the April 27th  2020 “CLEO and COMPANY”….
on Sherpa….
Clara must have a strong constitution, to repeatedly put up with these two jokers…
She must know anything she says can and will be used against her.
I do warn our little comedy team when I can…. much as I love a pun myself…
You really need to be a bit judicious, when you go pouncing on the person who holds the keys to dinner.
Unless you really really like kibble … and I do mean Claude!
I like the drawing of the label, Nighthawks. Nice job!
Anybody remember the jokes about poor Barbara Bush, when the first George Bush was #41?
More than one comedian “commended” Quaker for honoring the First Lady on their packages.
(About as cruel as another one… maybe Robin Williams…
saying “Bush has only been in office a month, and already his wife is on the dollar bill.” )
Dennis… Cleo said “Kosher.” That might do for Jewish.
So Muslim oats should be “Halal?”
How about Hindu oats?
Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Mormon, 7th Day Adventist?
“Evangelical oats” … that has such a nice ring to it…
as Dave Barry would say…. that sounds like a good name for a rock band.
Maybe someone should open an oat store on Ballard Street… or an oat cafe?
Serving every variety… Anglican to Zoroastrian .
I don’t have time, myself… but if anybody wants to “borrow” the idea…
A good name for it might be “Mairzy Doats.
Well, there’s…. “Mairzy doats ♪ ♫ and dozy doats ♪ ♫” ….
“and liddle lamzy divey…♪ ♫”“A kiddley ♫ divey too, woulden’ you? ♪ ♫ ♪ "
My grandpa used to sing that to me.
He loved a good joke… though I was too young to know it.
Wonder what he’d have to say about
the April 27th  2020 “CLEO and COMPANY”….
on Sherpa….
Clara must have a strong constitution, to repeatedly put up with these two jokers…
She must know anything she says can and will be used against her.
I do warn our little comedy team when I can…. much as I love a pun myself…
You really need to be a bit judicious, when you go pouncing on the person who holds the keys to dinner.
Unless you really really like kibble … and I do mean Claude!
I like the drawing of the label, Nighthawks. Nice job!
Anybody remember the jokes about poor Barbara Bush, when the first George Bush was #41?
More than one comedian “commended” Quaker for honoring the First Lady on their packages.
(About as cruel as another one… maybe Robin Williams…
saying “Bush has only been in office a month, and already his wife is on the dollar bill.” )
Dennis… Cleo said “Kosher.” That might do for Jewish.
So Muslim oats should be “Halal?”
How about Hindu oats?
Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Mormon, 7th Day Adventist?
“Evangelical oats” … that has such a nice ring to it…
as Dave Barry would say…. that sounds like a good name for a rock band.
Maybe someone should open an oat store on Ballard Street… or an oat cafe?
Serving every variety… Anglican to Zoroastrian .
I don’t have time, myself… but if anybody wants to “borrow” the idea…
A good name for it might be “Mairzy Doats.