Good evening, all…. Or morning, or afternoon….
whenever you arrive, prepared to be puzzled…
It’s Saturday Puzzleday in the August 29th 2020 “Cleo and Company”…. on Sherpa.
And yes… It’s Sam Basset, P.I. ….
hard at work, solving some puzzles of his own.
Corned beef or pastrami for lunch? Where did i put my keys?
Was that dame yesterday pretty enough to put up with her lying?
What would Dick Tracy do?
Is that guy out in the halfway here to kill me?
And just think…. all YOU have to do is find 9 little differences.
Do it vertically on Sherpa if you like… Dennis says it’s easy….
So you may not even (sniffle..) need this side by side version…
But here…. I made it for you anyway. (Snif…. ):
Good evening, all…. Or morning, or afternoon….
whenever you arrive, prepared to be puzzled…
It’s Saturday Puzzleday in the August 29th 2020 “Cleo and Company”…. on Sherpa.
And yes… It’s Sam Basset, P.I. ….
hard at work, solving some puzzles of his own.
Corned beef or pastrami for lunch? Where did i put my keys?
Was that dame yesterday pretty enough to put up with her lying?
What would Dick Tracy do?
Is that guy out in the halfway here to kill me?
And just think…. all YOU have to do is find 9 little differences.
Do it vertically on Sherpa if you like… Dennis says it’s easy….
So you may not even (sniffle..) need this side by side version…
But here…. I made it for you anyway. (Snif…. ):