Claude is chock full of “it” …
in the Oct 7th  2020 “CLEO and COMPANY”, on Sherpa…
I’m not quite sure what “It” is… but no, there’s no room for anything else.
I believe the “chock” in “chock full” means the same as it does in “Chockablock”….
“full of something, pressed tightly together” … and that probably comes from “chock blocks” in a ship’s rigging.
When the ropes are pulled tight, till the the chock blocks meet, the ropes (sheets) are held in place, and can move no farther.
A box that’s chock full, OR one that’s chockablock with something, like, say, blocks… is packed so tightly that nothing can move.
I’ve also heard the term “chock block” used the same way for a block of wood placed against a tire so the car won’t roll.
Actually…. I prefer it when a box is "chock almost full…. " leaving room for a bit of tardiness…
You know… a box chock full of “Chock-o’-late.”
I do like me some chock-o-late.
This is NOT to be confused with the box of chalk, in the expression “that gal ain’t no smarter than a box o’ chalk.”
I just know I’ve heard that used some place.
Claude is chock full of “it” …
in the Oct 7th  2020 “CLEO and COMPANY”, on Sherpa…
I’m not quite sure what “It” is… but no, there’s no room for anything else.
I believe the “chock” in “chock full” means the same as it does in “Chockablock”….
“full of something, pressed tightly together” … and that probably comes from “chock blocks” in a ship’s rigging.
When the ropes are pulled tight, till the the chock blocks meet, the ropes (sheets) are held in place, and can move no farther.
A box that’s chock full, OR one that’s chockablock with something, like, say, blocks… is packed so tightly that nothing can move.
I’ve also heard the term “chock block” used the same way for a block of wood placed against a tire so the car won’t roll.
Actually…. I prefer it when a box is "chock almost full…. " leaving room for a bit of tardiness…
You know… a box chock full of “Chock-o’-late.”
I do like me some chock-o-late.
This is NOT to be confused with the box of chalk, in the expression “that gal ain’t no smarter than a box o’ chalk.”
I just know I’ve heard that used some place.