You’re welcome Dennis… and anybody who likes using a side-by-side version.
It seems funny that Sherpa allows the exact same area, vertically…
but horizontally it’s too wide to be a cartoon.
Oh well… I’ll just have to keep rearranging it.
Meanwhile, I forgot to say, for benefit of anyone seeking the right spot…
(or for any strangers wondering what we’re talking about)…
This is where we’re discussing the Saturday puzzle in
the Nov 14th  2020 “CLEO and COMPANY” on Sherpa…
And we’ll be back right here tomorrow….
to comment on the Nov 15th  2020 strip as well,
having passed the date in 2010 when Ballard Street dropped down to only six days a week.
BTW… Clara, above, bears no relation to our Clara…
who is quite proud of her cleverness, being one of the clever Cliffords.
They, of course, include Cleveland’s most cleverly creative canine, Cleo.
The Cliffords, you know, spend most of their days working in this comic.
This is probably the longest hiatus they’ve had in ages.
Sam Basset has been here for two whole weeks, while Claude, Clara and Cleo have been on a well-deserved vacation.
Yes, I know, we saw them on the weekend…
But I already admitted that Saturday’s puzzle was a re-run….
and Sunday’s strip, I’ll just say, was filmed far in advance.
I don’t know whether they’ve actually gone anywhere, or, if so, they’ll be back in Cleveland tomorrow.
Cleo did want to go to Disneyland, but she had a huge fit when Clara told her that NO weapons are allowed through the gate…
and she MUST not sneak even a knife or a slingshot.
Imagine being kicked out of Disneyland over your dog’s hidden bazooka!
I didn’t want to mention my suspicion that they might not allow a dog, either.
You’re welcome Dennis… and anybody who likes using a side-by-side version.
It seems funny that Sherpa allows the exact same area, vertically…
but horizontally it’s too wide to be a cartoon.
Oh well… I’ll just have to keep rearranging it.
Meanwhile, I forgot to say, for benefit of anyone seeking the right spot…
(or for any strangers wondering what we’re talking about)…
This is where we’re discussing the Saturday puzzle in
the Nov 14th  2020 “CLEO and COMPANY” on Sherpa…
And we’ll be back right here tomorrow….
to comment on the Nov 15th  2020 strip as well,
having passed the date in 2010 when Ballard Street dropped down to only six days a week.
BTW… Clara, above, bears no relation to our Clara…
who is quite proud of her cleverness, being one of the clever Cliffords.
They, of course, include Cleveland’s most cleverly creative canine, Cleo.
The Cliffords, you know, spend most of their days working in this comic.
This is probably the longest hiatus they’ve had in ages.
Sam Basset has been here for two whole weeks, while Claude, Clara and Cleo have been on a well-deserved vacation.
Yes, I know, we saw them on the weekend…
But I already admitted that Saturday’s puzzle was a re-run….
and Sunday’s strip, I’ll just say, was filmed far in advance.
I don’t know whether they’ve actually gone anywhere, or, if so, they’ll be back in Cleveland tomorrow.
Cleo did want to go to Disneyland, but she had a huge fit when Clara told her that NO weapons are allowed through the gate…
and she MUST not sneak even a knife or a slingshot.
Imagine being kicked out of Disneyland over your dog’s hidden bazooka!
I didn’t want to mention my suspicion that they might not allow a dog, either.