Cleo has so many presents she’s still opening them on the 27th!
Or more likely, it’s still Christmas day in the comics…
where time is like a rubber band, and stretches in all directions whenever necessary.
It’s also possible that a couple of gifts just came in the mail…
to the December 27th 2020 “Cleo and Company”
The post office may be slow on Sherpa…it being a little off the beaten track…
If so, this could be a present from a far off auntie… I was going to say, or from Grandma…
But considering… well, you know… I don’t like to mention that Clara and Claude aren’t exactly spring chickens.
True, Cleo might have a canine grandma… but another dog probably wouldn’t send a sweater.
I do remember though, that in my family we sometimes got presents in the mail from relatives… mostly clothes.
Especially from my paternal grandparents, who owned a men’s clothing store, but apparently could get our winter jackets wholesale.
Those weren’t Christmas presents, cos we needed them by October.
But my aunts loved sending the odd bit of apparel… “odd” beginning the operative word…
Including days of the week underwear, which embarrassed us… and some interesting sweaters, which we begged not to have to wear.
We had to write thank you notes… No sarcastic happy dancing allowed.
My siblings and I secretly grumbled….
We vowed never to do that to each other’s children…
A vow we forgot immediately the minute they arrived, of course.
But to our amazement, the first to show up was my nephew….
Who asked for clothes, as a preschooler!
He’d tear open the packages, to try things on in the mirror….
Like no other little kid ever.
Cleo has so many presents she’s still opening them on the 27th!
Or more likely, it’s still Christmas day in the comics…
where time is like a rubber band, and stretches in all directions whenever necessary.
It’s also possible that a couple of gifts just came in the mail…
to the December 27th 2020 “Cleo and Company”
The post office may be slow on Sherpa…it being a little off the beaten track…
If so, this could be a present from a far off auntie… I was going to say, or from Grandma…
But considering… well, you know… I don’t like to mention that Clara and Claude aren’t exactly spring chickens.
True, Cleo might have a canine grandma… but another dog probably wouldn’t send a sweater.
I do remember though, that in my family we sometimes got presents in the mail from relatives… mostly clothes.
Especially from my paternal grandparents, who owned a men’s clothing store, but apparently could get our winter jackets wholesale.
Those weren’t Christmas presents, cos we needed them by October.
But my aunts loved sending the odd bit of apparel… “odd” beginning the operative word…
Including days of the week underwear, which embarrassed us… and some interesting sweaters, which we begged not to have to wear.
We had to write thank you notes… No sarcastic happy dancing allowed.
My siblings and I secretly grumbled….
and talked about how horrible it was to get wrapped gifts that turned out to be clothes.We vowed never to do that to each other’s children…
A vow we forgot immediately the minute they arrived, of course.
But to our amazement, the first to show up was my nephew….
Who asked for clothes, as a preschooler!
He’d tear open the packages, to try things on in the mirror….
Like no other little kid ever.