Everybody seems to think the Bixbys are walking a few inches above the bugs because they’re afraid of them, or perhaps disgusted by them.
But I’m kinda questioning whether that’s actually the case.
If they were afraid, or truly disgusted… wouldn’t they have laid their pathways on something higher than a single concrete block?
Some bugs can jump 8 inches.
(ewww…. )
Well… back in his Hill Street Elementary School days, Boris Bixby collected bugs…
Unfortunately he didn’t know how to take care of them, so they mostly died….
but he liked looking at them while he had them.
and threatening to put it down Babs McDonagle’s blouse.
Babs grew up to marry him anyway…
but as some sixty years later, as Babs Bixby, she still isn’t used to his “pets.”
However, I hear that she’s recently been reading about Jainism.
She’s definitely one of those fad type people…
one month an amateur pole dancer, the next a pseudo Jain.
So I’m thinking…
Maybe these paths are only meant to protect the bugs…
to keep them from being trodden, or mowed.
Boris is still clueless about bug care…
but maybe they’re trying to do their bit.
Everybody seems to think the Bixbys are walking a few inches above the bugs because they’re afraid of them, or perhaps disgusted by them.
But I’m kinda questioning whether that’s actually the case.
If they were afraid, or truly disgusted… wouldn’t they have laid their pathways on something higher than a single concrete block?
Some bugs can jump 8 inches.
(ewww…. )
Well… back in his Hill Street Elementary School days, Boris Bixby collected bugs…
Unfortunately he didn’t know how to take care of them, so they mostly died….
but he liked looking at them while he had them.
I remember when, in 4th grade, he got in trouble for bringing his pet tarantula to school…and threatening to put it down Babs McDonagle’s blouse.
Babs grew up to marry him anyway…
but as some sixty years later, as Babs Bixby, she still isn’t used to his “pets.”
However, I hear that she’s recently been reading about Jainism.
She’s definitely one of those fad type people…
one month an amateur pole dancer, the next a pseudo Jain.
So I’m thinking…
Maybe these paths are only meant to protect the bugs…
to keep them from being trodden, or mowed.
Boris is still clueless about bug care…
but maybe they’re trying to do their bit.