Barkeater Lake by Corey Pandolph for October 15, 2008

  1. Raider lv
    Akenta  over 16 years ago

    If I had some militant chipmunks eating through my T-1, I think I would mess up what I was saying too.

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  2. Cimg0394
    funniesfan  over 16 years ago

    cute, a twice a week comic

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  3. River tamm 2
    ozzimandius  over 16 years ago

    alot of web comics dont even make it once a week.

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  4. Cimg0394
    funniesfan  over 16 years ago

    two days later and holding tight at twice a week

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  5. Helloooladies5wu
    fieromike1945  over 16 years ago

    They’re all reruns anyhow…

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  6. Pontricpic
    corey creator over 16 years ago

    funniesfan: I sure wish I had the time you have to keep tabs on a free webcomic’s updates. Kudos to you and your lazy life. I can only dream of such a utopia.

    fieromike1945: Barkeater Lake has been new since April of this year.

    Thanks to you all for reading Barkeater Lake and caring enough to leave comments (good or bad).

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    William Chassereau Premium Member over 16 years ago

    Hey, Corey, on the bright side…if we didn’t really like the comic, we wouldn’t be bummed when it doesn’t show up!

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  8. Cimg0394
    funniesfan  over 16 years ago

    Hey Corey, I do more work in an hour than you do in a week, and your output can be measured. So before you call me lazy, look in the mirror. I think your strip is funny, I read it here because it is not in any local papers, nor any papers I read when I travel.doesnt make you a better person because the strip is cute though, an bleeep is still an bleeep no matter their occupation.

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  9. Pontricpic
    corey creator over 16 years ago

    funniesfan: You have no idea what I do with my time. Just because my work isn’t visible, does not mean I’m not working.

    That said, referring to your time as lazy was an error on my part. I’m sure we both work very hard at our respective careers. You obviously don’t work in comics or comedy, so please don’t pretend to know what goes into my day, and I won’t pretend to know what goes into yours.

    I just find it interesting that you seem to be the first with a snarky comment on the frequency of the strip.

    Have a great day,


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    Richard A Erdman Premium Member over 16 years ago

    Regardless of the frequency or lack thereof of publication of the strip, Corey does a fine job of creating twisted humor.

    I suggest that unless you are stuck up his a** you can’t know what he’s doing.

    Carry on.

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  11. River tamm 2
    ozzimandius  over 16 years ago

    Corey the strip is great, and trying ta keep up with it, and if I recal corectlly 2-3 other strips as well cant exactlly leave yah alot of free time. Keep on keepin on bud, an may your days be merry.

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