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Richard A Erdman Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. over 4 years ago on Luann

    Karma rears its head and boots Ann in the butt!

  2. over 7 years ago on Steve Kelley

    Methinks that they are the ones that the left says can’t get transportation to get a voter ID.

  3. over 7 years ago on New Comic Alert: 'Lil' Donnie' By Mike Norton

    The sad part is that if in 2008 a cartoonist would have done “Little Barry” he would have had to do his best impression of Salman Rushdie. That being said…..I’ll pass on this one.

  4. over 8 years ago on Endtown

    This arc was chock full of complexity and left turns. The only thing I was able to predict was that Wally and Kirbee may end up together based on the kiss while they were falling. Well done A N.

  5. about 9 years ago on Endtown

    To paraphrase Chauncy and Edgar from Rocky and Bullwinkle:

    Edgar: Well Chauncy, there’s something you don’t see every day.

    Chauncy: What’s that Edgar?

    Edgar: A cat hugging a lizard with a bird as a cape flying up from railroad tracks.

    Chauncy: Nope.

  6. about 12 years ago on Endtown

    Police force? More like the Gestapo! Guilty until proven inno……well orders are given NOT to execute.

  7. about 12 years ago on Endtown

    I can’t resist……I just HAVE to…….“The yolk’s on you Maude!”Sorry, I just couldn’t be cereal.

  8. over 12 years ago on Endtown

    Linda looks quite forlorn and anguished. Holly appears to be slightly depressed upon needing to reveal her past to Linda in order to try and get her to see that there in fact IS hope for the future.

    Regardless of what one has done in the past, the true measure of redemption lies in what one does to rectify one’s self thereafter.

  9. over 12 years ago on Endtown

    Am I the only one who caught the Douglass McArthur reference with the owl’s rabbit (I think he’s a rabbit) partner?

    Note the pipe.

  10. over 12 years ago on Endtown

    @Aaron Neathery

    After I first discovered Endtown a few months ago I went back and over the course of 2 days read from the beginning up to current. It’s a masterfully told story that is ever evolving.

    I edit and proofread sci-fi/fantasy novels for a writer friend and the attraction of her work is the same as it is for Endtown, that being, unpredictability.

    Characters such as A. Marx add a certain spice to the overall story and as such they keep readers guessing. This is a good thing when creating an entire world filled with diverse characters.

    Predictability in a serial story lends to stagnation which usually is the cause of its demise.

    Your world, your characters, your creation. Please continue leading us down this path with twists and turns when we least expect them.