Retribution has nothing to do with it. It’s about protecting society as a whole from any future criminal acts committed by the condemned individual. And, yes, that includes any fellow inmate they might murder while serving a life sentence. Your skewed sense of reality must be a real burden some times.It is a question of life! The statement was “Actions have consequences.” Unintended pregnancy is not the fetus’s fault and therefore it’s right to life should not be abrogated even at the cost of “temporary” slavery of the negligent mother.
Retribution has nothing to do with it. It’s about protecting society as a whole from any future criminal acts committed by the condemned individual. And, yes, that includes any fellow inmate they might murder while serving a life sentence. Your skewed sense of reality must be a real burden some times.It is a question of life! The statement was “Actions have consequences.” Unintended pregnancy is not the fetus’s fault and therefore it’s right to life should not be abrogated even at the cost of “temporary” slavery of the negligent mother.