Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark for September 07, 2020

  1. Img 3235
    dwane.scoty1  over 4 years ago

    Why, Barn, do you need a flashy ticket magnet when you got a Hottie like Lucreita & a Limo?

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    cdward  over 4 years ago

    In some countries radar stations are mounted at strategic locations, avoiding the need for cops at all. You get clocked, and then you get your ticket in the mail. Indisputable, no chases, and cops aren’t used as money-making sources but actually helping people.

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  3. Olive oyl phooey
    Sir Ruddy Blighter  over 4 years ago

    Seeing as how Pillsbury is White, I’m amazed the cop gave him a ticket at all, instead of, oh, buying him a cheeseburger…

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  4. Missing large
    MikeM_inMD  over 4 years ago

    Unless the officer maintained uninterrupted visual contact with Pillsbury’s car, or has photographic evidence of the offense, this ticket is contestable.

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  5. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  over 4 years ago

    Oh dear, probably less than $100 subtracted from billions… It’s a tragedy! ☺

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  6. Calvin   hobbes   playtime in snow avatar flipped
    Andrew Sleeth  over 4 years ago

    He’s a white guy; they don’t have to deal with the other kind.

    On a serious note … There’s much debate about the forms reformation of law enforcement should take, and today’s strip touches on an important measure I’ve yet to hear proposed. My personal preference would be to see the bulk of cop and sheriff shops shut down almost entirely and their personnel turned out onto the street in search of other occupations. But for local governments resistant to such a revolutionary approach, one way to establish equality and justice is through the metrics themselves, by agencies being held accountable for parity as reflected in arrest, citation and prosecution statistics across ethnic groups. So for every Black person stopped and searched, you must do the same to a White person. For every drug arrest of a person of color, police must arrest and DAs prosecute a middle-class white person. Do this, while simultaneously reducing law budgets, and eventually cops and duputies will get the message they aren’t wanted or useful, and they’ll leave of their own accord because they can’t do policing the way they want to do it.

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