yesterday we were doing this with a former cbs tryout series called CORONET BLUE”.it was very popular but they couldn’t get it together again to produce it or something.the main guy,FRANK CONVERSE had amnesia and all he could remember was….coronet blue.
later,in spoken lines from another show,THE DEFENDERS i am told, after the show was off,they said the coronet guy was a russian spy or that point we all lost interest.and maybe memory of the event.
yesterday we were doing this with a former cbs tryout series called CORONET BLUE”.it was very popular but they couldn’t get it together again to produce it or something.the main guy,FRANK CONVERSE had amnesia and all he could remember was….coronet blue. later,in spoken lines from another show,THE DEFENDERS i am told, after the show was off,they said the coronet guy was a russian spy or that point we all lost interest.and maybe memory of the event.