Best to take that solar reading in the early morning when the sun is generally in the east. Better yet, ask for directions. Oops, that won’t work; both of you are male.
Better to take your solar reading in the morning when you get a fix on EAST. Better yet, ask for directions. Oops, that won’t work; both of them are males.
I thought of your method, Yukoner, but the sun is moving fastest south around the autumnal equinox. It is still moving fast now. Even here in Houston the sun rises well south of east right now (according to a handy little iPod Touch app I have). Assuming they start farther north, just turning 90 degrees from current sunrise could result in a significant miss…they might hit Albuquerque after all. :))
sjoujke about 15 years ago
If all else fails……
Rakkav about 15 years ago
Well, you could take a reading on the sun every noon…at least that would get you a first approximation…
Yukoner about 15 years ago
Best to take that solar reading in the early morning when the sun is generally in the east. Better yet, ask for directions. Oops, that won’t work; both of you are male.
JP Steve Premium Member about 15 years ago
Are they in Albuquerque?
(Spell check is great! I just have to get close and it does the rest!)
Yukoner about 15 years ago
Better to take your solar reading in the morning when you get a fix on EAST. Better yet, ask for directions. Oops, that won’t work; both of them are males.
yyyguy about 15 years ago
nope, Azusa!
horvath_paul about 15 years ago
That’s just like my step mum’s directions..
Rakkav about 15 years ago
Someone has: the European Union (Galileo).
I thought of your method, Yukoner, but the sun is moving fastest south around the autumnal equinox. It is still moving fast now. Even here in Houston the sun rises well south of east right now (according to a handy little iPod Touch app I have). Assuming they start farther north, just turning 90 degrees from current sunrise could result in a significant miss…they might hit Albuquerque after all. :))
lewisbower about 15 years ago
I thought they took a left at Albuquerque.
lightenup Premium Member about 15 years ago
Go find a cozy bear and stay home this year.
Zankou about 15 years ago
Why was the bird red yesterday but white today?
ferndip about 15 years ago
They have a GPS. Maybe the volume is not turned on.
Trainwreck_1 about 15 years ago
That snowflake that the cloud Pooped must have been bigger then first we thought… The bird is covered with snow!
CogentModality about 15 years ago
Only if they are headed west, Lewreader.
mrkknts09 about 15 years ago
the white bird is the red birds brother,can you tell the diffents
hfink6434 about 15 years ago
He can’t ask for directions. He is a male.
brawny80 about 15 years ago
lol ask for directions to the other birds
fritzoid Premium Member about 15 years ago
Maybe Dookie Bird moulted into his winter plumage between yesterday and today…
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Maybe this time you’ll make it!