I’m surprised no one has questioned the “millions of years” dialogue in the script. The facts fit a young earth theory far better than a long-ages evolutionary theory that disenfranchises God from His own creation (Evolution is not ‘scientific’ like they would have us believe – you can’t replicate a one-off event). At the rate the human genome is breaking down the human race would have been extinct long before this and stale air would be the least of it. Of course God has the stale air covered with plants and trees filtering and replenishing our oxygen supply.
I’m surprised no one has questioned the “millions of years” dialogue in the script. The facts fit a young earth theory far better than a long-ages evolutionary theory that disenfranchises God from His own creation (Evolution is not ‘scientific’ like they would have us believe – you can’t replicate a one-off event). At the rate the human genome is breaking down the human race would have been extinct long before this and stale air would be the least of it. Of course God has the stale air covered with plants and trees filtering and replenishing our oxygen supply.