I once set up 4 tents to hold campsites for friends (had to have a tent to hold the site) faster than some people could put up one. :) And yes, I was a Girl Scout. ;) Ironically, I was staying on a site that another friend had rented a camper for and didn’t actually need one for myself. :)
rshive over 7 years ago
It’s hard to carry caves along with you.
cubswin2016 over 7 years ago
This might have happened if Harry Potter had been a boy scout.
cuzinron47 over 7 years ago
Literally ‘’pitching’ camp. BTW, another punchling could have been ‘Comic physics’ if they wanted break the 4th wall.
johovey over 7 years ago
He makes it look so easy!
Germanshepherds4ever over 7 years ago
Camping: where people spend a ton of money to go out in the woods and live like homeless people.
GiantShetlandPony over 7 years ago