Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for June 17, 1999
Nate: Beth! Hi! Beth: Will you sign my yearbook? Nate: Me? You want me to sign your yearbook? Beth: Sure! Just write anything! Beth: ... And could you sign it, "Love, Nadine"? Nate: Summer vacation is looking particularly good this year. HA HA HA HA HA He fell for it! HA HA HA Good one, Beth! HA HA HA
snoopy323 over 11 years ago
MateRight about 6 years ago
Nate, You could just report to the principal
rey mondia over 4 years ago
I cheered myself up by seeing this after the other one! =DDDDD
Sir.waffle about 4 years ago
poor nate he looked so happy
gEnErAl KeNoBi about 4 years ago
who’s nadine
villanoville almost 4 years ago
really? these kids are so lame, making fun of someone for a silly typo in a yearbook. what the heck were they doing looking at someone elses photo anyway? their own picture too ugly for them to look so they had to bully someone else to feel better? pathetic
AliAdhami almost 4 years ago
I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: Ya gotta hate jerks :D
Beatrix(BCN) over 3 years ago
poor Nate, he looked so happy in the 2nd panel, like he thought everybody forgot about the whole “Nadine” incident.
Dhar Mann almost 2 years ago
I feel so bad he looked so happy when she asked him to sign it ik its just a comic but still
Meowy_Sparkles over 1 year ago
I would sign it, Have a bad summer, BETH!!!! With hate, NATE
STUFF ENJOYER about 1 year ago
Brick Friday 9 days ago
It’s not HIS fault! LEAVE NATE ALONE!!!! cries