Wait a minute, Kim! How come you're playing baseball? Girls play softball! There is no softball. Not enough girls signed up, so the league disbanded and I switched to baseball. So now we're teammates. Yeah, that's... that's... Incredibly romantic. No!
Feed Me Comics! over 12 years ago
aaaah! how did nate fall into her trap!?
homer911 over 12 years ago
Where is Chad when you need him?
Johnnie Polo Premium Member over 12 years ago
Go for it Nate!
wwh85cp over 12 years ago
Chad loves her dad’s crullers…
A match made in heaven!
toradoradragon over 12 years ago
I love how she keeps reaching for a hug!
hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago
Suck it up Nate, for the good of the team.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
I guess this means trouble for Nate!
orbenjawell Premium Member over 12 years ago
O.K., forget “when Linus met Sally”! Nate IS her sweet baboo!!Haw! HAW!!
madvirgo over 12 years ago
And somewhere, near the edge of the park, Jenny evilly smiles…
joegeethree over 12 years ago
Keep in mind, its these chubby, stocky girls who grow up to be super models. Or maybe not.
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
See Nate run. Run Nate, run.
Comicsfan07 over 12 years ago
Of all the girls,Nate has to be stuck with Kim…..
Somnambulant over 2 years ago
Insert cartoon music here
bread (another comic reviewer) over 2 years ago
tbh i never really like kim in the strips. idk why maybe its because she is kinda annoying and all the strips with her are the same but they are just kinda boring
Meowy_Sparkles over 1 year ago
Girls don’t HAVE to play softball. They can play baseball too.