This is just going to be a copy of the Mrs. Gosley strip. Nate will fight with Gina about getting it published and then at the very end of the week on Saturday Mr. Galvin will walk by and Gina will tell Nate to show the comic to him and Nate will throw it away. This strip is starting to get repetitive.
I might know why this is happening. It’s been a while since the Mrs. Gosley arc happened, so I guess Mr. Peirce is trying out the concept again for the readers who have never seen the original arc before.
Clarence almost 5 years ago
This reminds me of Nate when he tried to submit a comic strip to Gina in 2003 or 4
Sci-Fi Fanatic207 almost 5 years ago
Yeah, calling Nate a pinhead is the understatement.
VikkyKiwi almost 5 years ago
Dang, Nate be using big words now?
Clutch almost 5 years ago
Big Nate Skit:
Panel 1:
Nate: Teddy, where have you been? You were absent the last 3 days. Are you sick or something?
Teddy: Yeah I’m sick. Not physically, but mentally.
Panel 2:
Nate: What do you mean? What happened?
Teddy: I don’t want to talk about it.
Panel 3:
Nate: Just tell me what’s bugging you! Why are you mentally sick?
Panel 4:
Teddy: Well…my Uncle Pedro died.
??? almost 5 years ago
ComicFan4Life almost 5 years ago
Just say he is sleeping with his eyes open.
jpayne4040 almost 5 years ago
Gina, anything can can happen thanks to comic-strip science!
PinkYoshiFan almost 5 years ago
He’s secretly in a coma to the kids , not himself
DM9001 almost 5 years ago
Just like Mrs. Gosley!
bigcrazymojo almost 5 years ago
This is just going to be a copy of the Mrs. Gosley strip. Nate will fight with Gina about getting it published and then at the very end of the week on Saturday Mr. Galvin will walk by and Gina will tell Nate to show the comic to him and Nate will throw it away. This strip is starting to get repetitive.
ComicRater almost 5 years ago
C’mon, Peirce. This EXACT arc happened before, just with Mrs. Godfrey instead of Mr. Galvin. And we all know how it’s gonna end.
jesse.johnson1541 almost 5 years ago
maybe ms godfrey is in a coma
GarfieldMN almost 5 years ago
“Oh here comes Mr.Galvin ! Let’s see if he’ll like it”, (Nate rips it up in the trash)…. this is a literal RERUN, except with a different teacher.
Hurricane_Storm almost 5 years ago
I feel like it is mr galvin
laken bacon almost 5 years ago
wow the very first time gina hade a point
BiggerNate91 almost 5 years ago
I might know why this is happening. It’s been a while since the Mrs. Gosley arc happened, so I guess Mr. Peirce is trying out the concept again for the readers who have never seen the original arc before.
Nate's The Greatest! almost 5 years ago
Nate “Scoop” Wright strikes again!!!
Mr hi almost 5 years ago
Can everybody make comments that have to do with big nate
CyborgNinja almost 5 years ago
This is a lot like “Mrs. Gosley”
Noah_NTG almost 5 years ago
Nate is in his 40s
Calvin&Hobbes almost 5 years ago
Mr. Galvin, Shmalvin
WCraft almost 5 years ago
And so was Nate during his classes.
King Of The Casual Gamers almost 5 years ago
I wonder if Mr. Galvin is too clueless to realize it’s him?
Neptune_Ninja_Comics ✔️ almost 5 years ago
Who else wants people that say “who wants - for smash” to be in smash
jesse.johnson1541 almost 5 years ago
who won super bowl 52 53 54 winner will get a shout out and a like
Galaxysub almost 5 years ago
Galaxysub almost 5 years ago
Do not buy Big Nate:blow the roof off, it is in Epic books FOR FREE
dabossarjun almost 5 years ago
“Mr. Shmalvin”???
hockey man almost 4 years ago
this is Mr. Galvin
good & evil over 1 year ago
Sounds like dr. stasis, if any of you get that reference