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lol i so love it… i would love to do that to my cousin and my grannys boyfriend just knock the H e doubble hocky sticks out of them when they eat like that. its anoying
Okay, corned beef hash with fried eggs, hash browns and toast. I have orange marmalade, plum preserves, apricot jam, honey and crunchy peanut butter and home made wheat bread. Also, there is Hempler’s ham and bacon. I also have blueberries, strawberries and raspberries from my garden, plus really sweet bing cherries.
Carmy i left you something on yesterdays comic… oh and i think it was you who commented on my kitty… about playing a harp(?) its so cute… i had to change my pic form a dog… it just needed to be something else anything else. you know?
okay im going to bed.. i promised a friend of mine ill be in bed b4 1 and its 12:30 now. so good night all i have church tomorrow and a kid also so may not be around much. peace and love and a good rest to all.
I come and go on these boards, depending on what’s going on on RL. I often post, then disappear. If I don’t answer someone, that’s why, so hi! to everyone from yeaterday. ;-)
Marg, that’s my M.O. too.
cleo, you always make a great breakfast, thank you.
tabby, I saw your comment, I know what you mean. :) I was the one that made the harp comment.
Goodnight Dawn!
Good morning and Happy Sunday!! I see we still got half a tank left of docT’s coffee. I’m heading off to the grocery store to stock up for this week. Anybody want anything special?
Sounds like Dusty just got his “SMACK-DOWN”. Perhaps Dusty’s Poodle Puff will all be on one side or down around his mouth instead of on top of his head.
Thank goodness for my Aero inflatable mattress. Tent camping loses some of it’s charms after camping an a motor home for the last few years. doctortoon won’t mind if I drain his coffee pot. hee,hee.
Good morning.
Cleo may I have some of everything? Only please go easy on the hot peppers. I may like them but they don’t seem to like me anymore.
Great job Hy. Can I borrow you for awhile? My house could use a shoveling out.
Marg that’s the way I am too. Mostly I have to wait until the next day to finish reading the posts.
Tabby I just read your post from yesterday. Surely no one really says that to you??!!!
Doctoon it’s great to have you back. I didn’t get to sneak out to your campsite but I hope you had fun. Just not too much fun.
re last night @JFri, what is Ghost Frost Pepper? Another pepper not in my seed catalogs, so enlighten me please!
Cleo, there is a difference between Habanero and Scotch Bonnet. Scotch are much hotter and leave a different kind of after taste, You have to eat one to know what I’m talking about with the after taste.
Cleo, jalapenos are good, but it does take a lot. My friend gave me some ground habanero pepper he made. It only takes a little bit to spice up a dish, I use it in my soups, salads, etc. It’s really hot, only takes a little! Anyway, in an effort to keep the rabbits away from my bean plants, I sprinkled it on my plants. Hope I don’t kill the rabbits I just want them out of there!
Welcome back DocT and good morning (afternoon for those in the east) everyone.
Thanks Hy, for the cleanup - ‘twas definitely appreciated.
But Cleo,Why didn’t you leave me some coffee? Coffee, I need nuclear coffee!!! But thanks again for the breakie!
Hot peppers and my stomach just don’t go together but I keep some on hand for my father-in-law. I swear he must not have a taste bud left in his mouth!
Well, I come online and everyone leaves. Is it something I said ;-)
Good afternoon JFri, remember, us east coasters are three hours later in the day than you, but still that means dinner for Dry at 12:45 which *is* a bit early.
How did we lose 5 comments from yesterday? This morning I got caught up on the late night / early morning activities and added my one comment to get it to 200 and now it’s 195?!?!
As for the coffee, didn’t anyone else notice the hazard waste tanker out bank that doc left for us? cleo all you had to do was out there and turn on the spout and a new coffee pot for everyone.
doctortoon - You were saying that you wanted to change your avatar, but all you could find were cheetahs. Well, you couldn’t use those anyway, you’d be tramping on your girlfriend’s territory.
re: dinner/supper. Here in the south, you have dinner at midday on Sunday. Supper is what you have in the evenings (meaning about 6 p.m.) the rest of the week.
Speaking of hot peppers, reminds me of our (now deceased) dog Curly. Curly weighed a little over 100 pounds - Great Pyrenees mostly in appearance, some Chow & German Shepherd, too. One July, when we were having typical summer temperatures in the 100’s, we helped with my mother’s garage sale. My husband decided to grill food to feed the family, and made some hot peppers stuffed with cheese, but had some left over. We were unloading the SUV cargo, and sometime between our trips into the house, Curly had managed to get the peppers out of the truck, and ate them. All I noticed was that he was drinking water like crazy, but with all the fur and the hot temps I didn’t think anything about it, until my husband noticed the pan on the ground with less peppers in it than he brought home. I really felt sorry for our poor dog!!
rmom i cooked something a while back that was so hot i could not eat it. they gave it to my dog… part pit and black la…. he was eatting it and he had tears rooling down his face. :0( i felt so bad and he wouldnt give it up. my poor baby.
tabby - I understand why you feel that way. My Dad wasn’t quite as bad, but since he was a workaholic, he couldn’t stand to see anyone relaxing. At least he honored Sundays as a day of rest, and major holidays. I didn’t get along with him too well until after I had moved out and was on my own, and even then it was several years. Best advice I’ve ever heard for dealing with someone who rubs you the wrong way is to pray for them. Pray that God will give you the wisdom & strength to deal with them in a way that honors Him. It is hard, especially when you live under the same roof, but nothing is impossible with God. (I’ve had to use this advice myself in dealing with my husband when we had some serious marital problems.)
Tabby: you asked about the pogo invite. Can only have one per screen name so that’s why your friend can’t send you another. If you make another screen name she can. She can put that name on her friend’s list, then click on send pass option.
Back to hot peppers, my now ex-wife, was fixing a dish and was dicing jalapeno peppers. For some reason she removed her soft contacts while there was still a trace of jalapeno still on her fingers. No matter how many times she soaked them she could never get rid of the burning sensation when she tried to insert them.
cleo - I wear soft contacts, and just the thought of that brings tears to my eyes! I don’t know that I’ve had jalapeno pepper on my contacts, but just a wee bit of soap will burn like crazy.
RRAmom - Here is another contact lens story. My wife and I went to Victoria, BC for a couple of days and stayed at the historic Empress Hotel. My wife forgot to bring along her contact lens case and without telling me decided to use two of the glasses, supplied by the hotel. In the middle of the night I got up to get a glass of water. I filled up the glass and drank it down and poured the little bit of water that was in the other glass down the drain. So I ended up swallowing one contact than pouring the other down the drain.
Looks like I didn’t miss much! yes 12:45 is a bit early johnny, but I have my dad on Sundays and he is used to eating early, even earlier than I make dinner! Dinner here is a big meal at noon, the rest of the time its lunch. Evening meal can be dinner or supper, we use both terms. If going to a restaurant its dinner, otherwise its supper.
cleo when I put up hot peppers I can’t wear my contacts for at least 2 days! Amazing how that heat stays there, and you don’t feel it until you touch your eyes!!
cleo, contact lens story, 2 of them, I lost one in the grass one time, my neighbor and I spent hours looking for it! Don’t know why, it was a lost cause from the get go!
Another time, I lost one on the bathroom floor but it wasn’t where I thought I dropped it. I knew that because when I took a step back, I heard a crunch!!
RRAMom., I wear the gas perm lenses. No soft because I’m afarid they will tear with my nails, and I had a BAD eye infection once from falling asleep with my lenses in overnight, so I’m leary of the ones you can keep in for a long period of time.
Dry - I am allowed to wear mine overnight, but never do. I have a rough enough time getting them out after a nap, that I don’t dare do it for the whole night. I tried gas perm lenses back in high school. Just couldn’t adjust to them. I wore my “pop bottle bottoms” glasses until our oldest son broke them when he was just a baby. Finally switched to soft contact lenses at that point. When the kids were little with runny noses, I would get a case of pinkeye occasionally. Found out that if I used heat to disinfect my lenses the pink eye wouldn’t return, but would if I only used the chemical solution. Now if I get an eye infection, I just throw the old one away, and after my eye is healed, put a new one in. From what the eye doctor’s assistant told me, most people don’t wear their contacts overnight, even if they have that kind.
I used to wear soft lenses in my 20’s, but now I wear glasses.
I also fell asleep with the lenses on. When I woke up, one of them was stuck like glue on my eye. My sister warned me not to try to pull it off. One of her friends did that and messed up their eye. I had to suffer and wait until it came loose so I could remove it.
The chemo has affected my vision. I don’t need bifocals anymore.
RRAmom, I had that eye infection many years ago, but it was so bad I still remember it. funny thing is, with all these buy one get free offers at optical places. I have about 3 sets of contacts I have never even worn, still in the original solution and unopened. I guess I stopped losing lenses about 6 years ago! And don’t you just hate it when you’re driving and something gets in your eye with your contacts in?
cleo, yes I should have known that and I remember now. One of my best vacations was in Kingston Ontario, and when I first saw his name, that is what I remembered
carmy - Whenever I have a lens stuck on like that, I find using a lot of saline/contact solution to flood my eye helps to rehydrate it and make it easier to come off. I have always been scared to wait, afraid that it would get worse the longer it was left on.
Nice to know there are additional benefits to chemo!
My eyes keep getting less nearsighted. I still wear contacts & reading glasses, as I don’t see near as well with bifocals. I’ve had my contacts changed to a weaker prescription twice, and have another appointment in a couple of weeks for the same reason. (I can usually tell by how much difficulty I have reading road signs that my eyes have changed.) I still have a long way to go before I will have average nearsightedness, but I was thrilled to find out they were getting better, because at first I thought I was losing my sight!
Tabby, I’m sorry I didn’t notice what you had said about your Dad last night. I’m sorry you had to hear that from him. Sometimes people take out their frustrations on other people and that is probably what your Dad did. It’s not an excuse for him to do that and you of all people did not deserve it either. You are a very sweet, considerate and intelligent young lady.
Dry - My MIL had one contact for near and one for distance for a while. When my eye doctor asked me if I wanted to try that way, I declined. The night my father died, I lost a contact lens at my parents’ house, when my brother & I went there to tell Mom that Dad had died. (She knew he was dying, but since he bled to death due to the blood thinners, she just couldn’t handle it, and went home.) I had to drive from their house to mine with only one contact lens in. (Thank goodness it was out in the country with almost no traffic & a route I knew well!) I’m so blind without my contacts that I can only see clearly about 6 inches away. (Used to be about 4 inches.) I’ve had one just pop out on me before when I sneezed and I was driving, so I never want to take the chance that it would be my distance lens I’d lose.
My nearsightedness has gotten better too, just not significantly. My eye doctor and I were discussing the chemo effect on my eyes and he was as surprised as I was.
Hate to say this, but even at my age I do not need glasses. My vision is very good and it drives my wife crazy. She wears glasses, which she is constantly searching for. When we had our motor home I always was the driver, even though she used to drive a tour bus in Alaska. I would ask her directions and with her glasses on she would be scanning the small print on the AAA map trying to make out the highway numbers and town names. There was a big space between our seats, probably three feet and I would glance over and read the map, which never failed to raise up some comment. LOL
Rmom, sorry about your Dad. What an awful way to die. Couldn’t they do anything to help him?
My oncologist put me on blood thinner after I developed a blood clot. Soon after, I was having nosebleeds and I had nasty bruises all over my body. He took me off the blood thinner and now I only have an occasional nose bleed.
RRAmom, I’m sorry for your loss! I’m sure that was a VERY dificult and sad situation! My mom passed when we were on our way to see her. And then to have to tell my dad . . …Life never is easy is it?
RRAmom - Your dad’s death reminds me of my own dad. He had Leukemia and his version of the disease made him a bleeder. His skin was so thin that anytime he bumped something he would bleed nonstop for a long time. I was living with him and over the course of his final weeks I became an expert with bandages and would never allow a doctor or nurse to bother doing the job, because they had no idea what they were in for. Night and day, sometimes every half hour I would replace his bandages. The bleeding, fortunately, was contained to his arms. Towards the end I was wrapping his arms in, I can’t remember the name now, but it was like a fake skin, then I would wrap it in gause and tape the gauze, then I would wrap the gauze with abdominal wound bandages, which are apparently meant for stopping intense blood flow. Then I would cover that with Kotex designed to stop the largest amount of blood flow. I would hold it all together with an ace bandage.
I had a lady in the grocery store on Fri ask me if I knew the difference between self rising flour and regular flour because she was trying a new recipe.We talked a bit, She looked to be about my age, when we parted she said to me , “I miss my mom”, I said , “Yes I miss mine too!”
My mom died a few years before my dad. During her slow death from brain cancer, she was visited by every friend or relative she ever cared about, that was still alive. My parents were both so good to me that I wanted to pay them back by giving them both the opportunity to die at home, as opposed to a hospital or nursing home. With all the company, I quickly became comfortable in dealing with all of their issues and to cook a meal for a large group. Cooking became the activity that allowed me to concentrate on something other than medical issues. As stressful as those 5 years were, I have had some good positive memories to cling to as well. I was always closer to my mom than my dad. When she died I took my dad on the road with me. I was a travel photographer and writer. We spent 5 weeks driving around the U.S. and formed a friendship that became strong and tolerant of each other’s differences, which allowed me to move in with him when he became ill and to take care of him without the little fights we always got into previously.
My maternal grandmother was dying from cancer in the hospital. They couldn’t do anything but make her as comfortable as possible. She decided that she would rather die in her home. My mother along with her brothers and sisters kept vigil at her bedside. She slept peacefully most of the time. One day, she sat up abruptly and appeared to be looking at something right in front of her. My Mom told her (in spanish) Mom, if the Lord is here for you, go.” My grandmother laid back down and passed away.
Dry - Thank you. I was blessed to have two very generous caring parents and as an only child, I probably received more attention than the average child.
cleo, what a wonderful, loving son you were for your parents. I’m glad you got to form a better relationship with your Dad. I’m sure they were both very proud of you.
You know the cartoon strip Big Top is so good. I can’t believe that it isnt still around. I love how Rob uses the two different smacking sounds to first begin and end the strip. Another strip that I really like that should still be around is Citizen Dog.
cleo, I hear ya! But my dad was way overprotective! I couldn’t own a bike because he was afraid I would get hit by a car, and I wanted a bike more than anything, so I used to borrow my one cousins bike, and my other cousin and I would ride all over the place!! To this day, I don’t think he knows that! My mom knew it, though!
Dry, My Dad and I had an odd deal. He would buy me a bike and I would leave it in the driveway behind his car. He would run over it and I would get a new bike. This happened several times too.
Carmy - My Dad had pneumonia, which is why he was in the ICU in the first place. He didn’t take blood thinners before then. They were getting ready to insert a feeding tube, and somehow got his esophagus (sp?) bleeding, so it wasn’t where they could stop it. I had already been told that morning by someone who read his x-rays, that since Dad’s pneumonia hadn’t gotten better in the two weeks he’d been there, that he wasn’t going to leave there alive. It was a rough way to go, but at least it only lasted about 15-16 days. It has been harder dealing with Mom’s health decline, since her first major stroke was over 2 years ago, and she keeps getting worse. My sister is Mom’s primary caregiver, but I have all the legal authority. We hire “granny sitters” (including a couple unemployed brothers) to watch Mom, so my sister isn’t tied down 24/7. None of my siblings have any other family, so they can spend time with Mom without depriving a spouse or children. I don’t get to see Mom as often as I probably should, but I take care of all her finances & other paperwork, which I can do at home. I still try to stop in and see Mom, but she sleeps so much of the time, that she’s not always awake. However, I had the closest relationship to Mom compared to my siblings, because we used to talk on the phone every day for more than 20 years.
carmy - There is the saying that with the bad comes good, well that was true with both my parent’s illnesses. My mother, I thought would outlive my dad. She always tried to eat healthy and to take care of herself. My dad was a meat and potatoes guy. With my mother dying first, it put my dad and I in the position of being faced with a life without my mother as a buffer. We discovered so much about each other during those five weeks and really learned how to live with one another. When my dad became ill, I put my career aside. At the time I was a nature photographer. During my free time while taking care of him in his early stages of the disease, Country Discoveries, a travel magazine, was born. They wanted travel stories dealing with off the beaten track locations, which was how I liked to travel. I immediately sent off a number of slides of a local drive which I consider to be tough to beat. I also decided to include my first ever written article to accompany the photos. The editor called me and said, “We love your article and would like to feature it as the principle article in one of our first issues. The only problem is that there are no people in your photographs.” My dad was still relatively healthy and the photos were of a triip close by, so I loaded up my camera gear and spent a weekend driving the highway first east and then back west, stopping to photograph people kayaking, hiking, at view points, etc. This opened up a much more lucrative career, because suddenly I was creating the article and selling a number to photographs instead of one or two. This wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t taking care of my dad.
That was so neat, cleo! I’m glad you and your Dad were able to have a good relationship in his last years. One brother & my Dad were estranged when Dad died. I know it bothered Dad about the conflict, but other than crying like crazy at the funeral, my brother hasn’t shown any signs of regret. For a variety of reasons, I don’t have much respect for that brother.
RRAmom- It is tough watching our parents go from being the strong helpful presence to the one needing the care. I think a parents demise can really, at least in my case, help make you a better adult, able to deal with situations that previously you relied on your parents to take care of.
cleo - I know I’ve learned a lot about “senior issues” and “end of life” issues that I probably wouldn’t have known otherwise. I was probably the closest out of the 5 children to both of my parents. Mostly after I got married and had their only grandchildren. We would visit my parents every Friday evening after we had our first, because we were too poor to do anything else for entertainment. My hubby’s parents have always lived out-of-state, so there wasn’t a problem with us spending so much time with mine. My Dad worked at Boeing for over 30 years, and my husband for almost 20, so Dad told my hubby stories that none of us kids ever heard. I called Mom every day, just to make sure they were okay, and of course, chatted. (Dad retired when I was in high school, and Mom quit working at the same time, so except for Sundays, no one else would miss them immediately.) Being the only parent (or spouse for any length of time) out of all us kids, I had a lot more in common with my parents than my siblings.
RRAmom - Dealing with “senior issues” is tough but makes us stronger.
My job at this moment, as I have just been informed, is to make a salad dressing so , carry on all. With JFri present, there will probably be lampshades, hooting and hollering, and debauchery occurring upon my return.
My husband will be home at the end of this month and he has already planned out what he wants for supper.
Beef tacos and chicken móle tacos. Spanish rice, beans, flour and corn tortillas and all the taco fixings. Jalapeños too.
Has anyone ever tried chicken móle? If not, it’s like a sauce that you can either cook the chicken in or have it on the side.
It’s made in Mexico, it has chocolate and lots of spices. I can’t taste the chocolate, the heavy spices prohibit that. I get a jar of it that is pretty much dry with some liquid. I empty the jar in a saucepan and add chicken broth over a low setting on the stove. I just stir and add broth until it is the consistency they we like. It’s really good!
Wow, today the topics of discussion appear to be contact lenses, (don’t where them) and dying parents, (don’t have any thank goodness). I wouldn’t have been able to contribute much even if I was here.
Hi johnny, I thought we were going to have a little party, but they disappeared. Now, I got to disappear for a few minutes too. Stick around, they should be back soon. :)
Hi Shika, how was your weekend? Cleo said you were sticking your tongue out at us, I said, she must have been sticking it at you because I didn’t see that! LOL!
Shika - I hope you had a cozy weekend inside your RV watching us tent campers camped around you like peasants around the Taj Mahal. LOL
carmy - My wife and I like mole. Her daughter made the sauce from scratch for a school project. Actually, my wife speaks some Spanish, but both of her kids are pretty much fluid in the language. Her daughter went to Spain and spent six months studying there and living with a local family.
Back to mole. It is hard to beat Dona Maria. It is so good, it makes you not want to make your own.
Hi Shika, welcome back! I hope you had a great time.
cleo, we use Dona Maria too. They sell it in the commissary. I used to have my Mom buy some in Brownsville and send it to me. When we were in WA, they even had it at the Red Apple.
Shika - I too love wildflowers because they remind me of our garden. I am good at combining flowers to make a nice arrangement. I also like how long the flowers last, as long as two weeks, still looking fresh. I buy my wife flowers all the time, but she has made me taper off in the summer months because our own yard provides all the color that she needs. I am glad that you enjoyed the arrangement. I am glad that you enjoyed the weekend as well.
carmy thanks… its okay that you didnt relize what i said last night… i dont think anyone would and if you did or didnt it was okay because i was just venting and putting it like it was. do need to think of some way to take the burning out of my hands thought…i was told it was indeed a chemical burn… :0( and when it gets in water it just makes the chemicals work again…. so it sucks i wont do that again.
Dry - All women deserve to get flowers and not for an occasion, but just because you are who you are.
tabby - I worry about you. You have been having to many accidents. I begin to think that you are so busy that you are not paying enough attention to your own safety. I know you are always busy, but it is important to slow down and think about each action that you take. We care about you and don’t like to see you hurt.
Cleo aww you guys are so going to make me cry. i do need to slow down and pay attention bc im a kultz as it is and not paying attention doesnt help, but the chemical burn was be just doing what i had to do and not putting gloves on like a smart person bc i didnt have time or patiences (sp) to go find them.
tabby - If you are a klutz, all the more reason to be careful. I too am a klutz, but I do not have anywhere near the amount of situations arise as you. Take time for yourself. Think out your move. If you are busy, it is best to think things out and then act of those thoughts, rather to act and get hurt and not be able to carry on with your task. We want you around to enjoy life and to fulfill a task in one piece.
Cleo thanks. i will slow down and pay attention just for you guys. i would love to beable to do things in one piece also. it just so hard. i just never seem to have the time i need. and it doesnt help that i play on here, but i love you guys tomuch to stop now… i do my work first most of the time. so its all good.
Dry - Women are the best thing that ever happened to me. I want to make sure that I make my lady realize that. And, I want to let other women know that I appreciate who they are and how they improve my life as well.
Cleo- I did go up in an RV, but also mentioned we had the option of a Lodge once we got up there.
BTW guys (that includes everone) in RL, we had the artist for “King of the Hill” and another T.V. show I forget right now docked in the Bay in town. I’m told that the yacht is worth $13 million. I thought it was Pirate at first, and got all excited thinking the party had come to me- but it was only a another celebrity :-) We had people fro the big city busing up to see this 150 foot yacht.
Shika - Back in the time when I had TV, I used to like “KIng Of The Hill”. I never realized that it generated enough money to allow the artist to live in such luxury. It makes you feel for some of the gocomics cartoonists who are every bit as creative.
Dry i just looked at the clock i thought it was later than this…. sigh. i needs to be time… you should go to bed sleep a few hours and get up post it and run back to bed… tell hubby you had to get a bite to eat or need something to drink. lol oh r you had to potty. lol
Carmy LOL she is always hungry… she has this game she plays when she is happy. she will walk up to you and and grab at you then put her hand in her mouth and say yummy… she goes youtaste good.
she has just upset me again… she pottied in her pullup.. :( i cant do this anymore.
tabby- We were watching “Marilyn Hotchkiss Ballroom Dancing and Charm School”. It is absolutely full of great actors in small rolls, one after the other. So far it is very good.
Cleo i am not even going to try to say that title, well the first two words. lol
im still here and tired… hey what is that i here?? Quite? could it be? she is still awake and its qutie…. if she is still here after the change over im going bring her home.
Hope everyone has had a good Sunday. I certainly have. For once I had a day with a little bit of work , a little bit of reading and a little bit of exercise.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
I hate people that smack when they eat.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
lol i so love it… i would love to do that to my cousin and my grannys boyfriend just knock the H e doubble hocky sticks out of them when they eat like that. its anoying
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo what is for breakfast?? food food food give me food. lol
carmy over 15 years ago
That last smack was a doozie.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Okay, corned beef hash with fried eggs, hash browns and toast. I have orange marmalade, plum preserves, apricot jam, honey and crunchy peanut butter and home made wheat bread. Also, there is Hempler’s ham and bacon. I also have blueberries, strawberries and raspberries from my garden, plus really sweet bing cherries.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
yummy cleo thanks. that sounds great.
Carmy your here also… now if Dry pops up it will be a blast… he doc comes home today!!
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Carmy i left you something on yesterdays comic… oh and i think it was you who commented on my kitty… about playing a harp(?) its so cute… i had to change my pic form a dog… it just needed to be something else anything else. you know?
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
cleo, load me up, buddy!
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
okay im going to bed.. i promised a friend of mine ill be in bed b4 1 and its 12:30 now. so good night all i have church tomorrow and a kid also so may not be around much. peace and love and a good rest to all.
margueritem over 15 years ago
Hello Tabby, JFRI, Cleo, and Carmy! I will have eggs and fruit, Cleo, and thank you.
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
Tabby I commented to you on yesterday’s comic. Didn’t realize the time. Oh my, it is Late
margueritem over 15 years ago
I come and go on these boards, depending on what’s going on on RL. I often post, then disappear. If I don’t answer someone, that’s why, so hi! to everyone from yeaterday. ;-)
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
Marg, that sounds like me. But it is fun. As I said before - it is Late, so I am toddling off.
Thanks for Breakie,Cleo, but I’ll enjoy it in the morn.
carmy over 15 years ago
Marg, that’s my M.O. too. cleo, you always make a great breakfast, thank you. tabby, I saw your comment, I know what you mean. :) I was the one that made the harp comment. Goodnight Dawn!
margueritem over 15 years ago
Goodnight, all. Talk to you tomorrow.
hymenoxis over 15 years ago
(sweep, sweep)
dcguys over 15 years ago
night all
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
Hey, d.c. & hymenoxis!! Nice job sweeping! Not too messy today, it was light on the action!
Akenta over 15 years ago
Good morning and Happy Sunday!! I see we still got half a tank left of docT’s coffee. I’m heading off to the grocery store to stock up for this week. Anybody want anything special?
Radical-Knight over 15 years ago
Sounds like Dusty just got his “SMACK-DOWN”. Perhaps Dusty’s Poodle Puff will all be on one side or down around his mouth instead of on top of his head.
Morning, guys.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Thank goodness for my Aero inflatable mattress. Tent camping loses some of it’s charms after camping an a motor home for the last few years. doctortoon won’t mind if I drain his coffee pot. hee,hee.
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Good morning good morning and happy Sunday to all! I love this strip! Dusty definitely was asking for it.
Digital Frog over 15 years ago
Good Morning all!
Marg - I’m pretty much the same way now that I’m back in the working world.
Cleo Careful draining Doc’s coffeepot, if the coffee is nuclear, think about what the dregs would be like…
Digital Frog over 15 years ago
Didn’t realize it was sweeps week hymenoxis
Just visiting my parents this weekend so gotta go. Just thought I’d poke my head in and say Hi.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
I was going to holler at JFri, he was supposed to take over horn duty for you, but he must have forgot! I just got up! 11:00!!
serenasakitty over 15 years ago
Good morning. Cleo may I have some of everything? Only please go easy on the hot peppers. I may like them but they don’t seem to like me anymore. Great job Hy. Can I borrow you for awhile? My house could use a shoveling out. Marg that’s the way I am too. Mostly I have to wait until the next day to finish reading the posts. Tabby I just read your post from yesterday. Surely no one really says that to you??!!! Doctoon it’s great to have you back. I didn’t get to sneak out to your campsite but I hope you had fun. Just not too much fun.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
re last night @JFri, what is Ghost Frost Pepper? Another pepper not in my seed catalogs, so enlighten me please!
Cleo, there is a difference between Habanero and Scotch Bonnet. Scotch are much hotter and leave a different kind of after taste, You have to eat one to know what I’m talking about with the after taste.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
doctortoon -welcomebacksorrytodrinkthelastofyourcoffeebutitdoesn’tseemtohaveanyaffectonmecourseIdrinklotsofcoffeeandneverseemtogettherushthateveryoneesegets.
Dry - I used to make a salsa with habaneros, but I was the only one who could eat it. Now I use jalapenos and is never hot enough for me.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Wow, that’s weird. My long rambling diatribe about the effect of doctortoon’s coffee was lost on posting. Probably for the best.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Cleo, jalapenos are good, but it does take a lot. My friend gave me some ground habanero pepper he made. It only takes a little bit to spice up a dish, I use it in my soups, salads, etc. It’s really hot, only takes a little! Anyway, in an effort to keep the rabbits away from my bean plants, I sprinkled it on my plants. Hope I don’t kill the rabbits I just want them out of there!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
see all you happy people later, time to start dinner! Glad you’re back doc!
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
Welcome back DocT and good morning (afternoon for those in the east) everyone.
Thanks Hy, for the cleanup - ‘twas definitely appreciated.
But Cleo, Why didn’t you leave me some coffee? Coffee, I need nuclear coffee!!! But thanks again for the breakie!
Hot peppers and my stomach just don’t go together but I keep some on hand for my father-in-law. I swear he must not have a taste bud left in his mouth!
Well, I come online and everyone leaves. Is it something I said ;-)
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Hey all, I love hot peppers, I don’t have to worry about them sitting well, because I have a stomach of steel, everything sits well with me!
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
Hi, Dawn!
DINNER AT 9;45 AM? ARE YOU NUTS???The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
Never mind, Dry……answered my own question! Morning johnny!
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Good afternoon JFri, remember, us east coasters are three hours later in the day than you, but still that means dinner for Dry at 12:45 which *is* a bit early.
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
Hey, johnny, I just like yanking her chain!
:-)johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
I know. I know. I was just returning the favor! ;-)
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Well, I am about to head out, I probably won’t be back until this evening so peace and love to all, and I will see you when I see you.
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
Now don’t make bring up the Stanley Cup
:-)cleokaya over 15 years ago
JFri- I remember when I lived in the Midwest some people referred to lunch as dinner and then the late meal was supper.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Dawn -I am sorry that I didn’t leave you any coffee, but my needs outweigh any gentlemanly gestures. LOL
johnnyd - I too have a cast iron stomach.
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Slight delay in plans let’s me see JFri’s last comment. >:-( Your team didn’t win either!
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
Gee, thanks, Cleo! But then with your latest near sighting at Pickles, what else would I expect? ;-)
We also called lunch “dinner” and dinner, “supper” when I was growing up.
Akenta over 15 years ago
How did we lose 5 comments from yesterday? This morning I got caught up on the late night / early morning activities and added my one comment to get it to 200 and now it’s 195?!?!
As for the coffee, didn’t anyone else notice the hazard waste tanker out bank that doc left for us? cleo all you had to do was out there and turn on the spout and a new coffee pot for everyone.
carmy over 15 years ago
* Greetings Tribe!*
Akenta, we’re gonna get you next June. :)
Ditto with the lunch is dinner and dinner is supper.
carmy over 15 years ago
Welcome back Doc! I hope the M-80’s didn’t scare you all too much. It was JFri’s fault, he went psycho with his wrist launcher.
risitas over 15 years ago
Dusty: - Some re-assembly required. Anyone got Super-Glue???
No? How ‘bout duct tape? Needle & thread???
Or, just a good plastic garbage can?
risitas over 15 years ago
And - quit makin’ that smackin’ sound - you’re irritatin’ th’ re-assembly crew!
cleokaya over 15 years ago
doctortoon - You were saying that you wanted to change your avatar, but all you could find were cheetahs. Well, you couldn’t use those anyway, you’d be tramping on your girlfriend’s territory.
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 15 years ago
re: dinner/supper. Here in the south, you have dinner at midday on Sunday. Supper is what you have in the evenings (meaning about 6 p.m.) the rest of the week.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
we call breakfast breakfast, the thing we do at 12 lunch and the last meal of the day supper.
the neighbor callse it breakfast, dinner, supper. so it all depends on where yuo are from and how you were raised.
Dawn yes my dad told me that. :0( made me feel this small holds fingers very close together and frowns
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
hi Rmom what was the hug for? i like hugs they are great. lol im losing my mind i know.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Speaking of hot peppers, reminds me of our (now deceased) dog Curly. Curly weighed a little over 100 pounds - Great Pyrenees mostly in appearance, some Chow & German Shepherd, too. One July, when we were having typical summer temperatures in the 100’s, we helped with my mother’s garage sale. My husband decided to grill food to feed the family, and made some hot peppers stuffed with cheese, but had some left over. We were unloading the SUV cargo, and sometime between our trips into the house, Curly had managed to get the peppers out of the truck, and ate them. All I noticed was that he was drinking water like crazy, but with all the fur and the hot temps I didn’t think anything about it, until my husband noticed the pan on the ground with less peppers in it than he brought home. I really felt sorry for our poor dog!!
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Tabby - I figured after what your dad said, you could use a hug. No one deserves what your Dad said, especially you.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Rmom i see. thanks i know its just so da rn hurtful thanks for the hugs. i can always use them.
he makes me so mad sometimes that i just wont to curse. and i hate that oh i hate it i hate it i hate it. :0(
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
rmom i cooked something a while back that was so hot i could not eat it. they gave it to my dog… part pit and black la…. he was eatting it and he had tears rooling down his face. :0( i felt so bad and he wouldnt give it up. my poor baby.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
got to get off dad wants computer, bbl much latter with my luck
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
tabby - I understand why you feel that way. My Dad wasn’t quite as bad, but since he was a workaholic, he couldn’t stand to see anyone relaxing. At least he honored Sundays as a day of rest, and major holidays. I didn’t get along with him too well until after I had moved out and was on my own, and even then it was several years. Best advice I’ve ever heard for dealing with someone who rubs you the wrong way is to pray for them. Pray that God will give you the wisdom & strength to deal with them in a way that honors Him. It is hard, especially when you live under the same roof, but nothing is impossible with God. (I’ve had to use this advice myself in dealing with my husband when we had some serious marital problems.)
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 15 years ago
Tabby: you asked about the pogo invite. Can only have one per screen name so that’s why your friend can’t send you another. If you make another screen name she can. She can put that name on her friend’s list, then click on send pass option.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Back to hot peppers, my now ex-wife, was fixing a dish and was dicing jalapeno peppers. For some reason she removed her soft contacts while there was still a trace of jalapeno still on her fingers. No matter how many times she soaked them she could never get rid of the burning sensation when she tried to insert them.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
cleo - I wear soft contacts, and just the thought of that brings tears to my eyes! I don’t know that I’ve had jalapeno pepper on my contacts, but just a wee bit of soap will burn like crazy.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
RRAmom - Here is another contact lens story. My wife and I went to Victoria, BC for a couple of days and stayed at the historic Empress Hotel. My wife forgot to bring along her contact lens case and without telling me decided to use two of the glasses, supplied by the hotel. In the middle of the night I got up to get a glass of water. I filled up the glass and drank it down and poured the little bit of water that was in the other glass down the drain. So I ended up swallowing one contact than pouring the other down the drain.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Looks like I didn’t miss much! yes 12:45 is a bit early johnny, but I have my dad on Sundays and he is used to eating early, even earlier than I make dinner! Dinner here is a big meal at noon, the rest of the time its lunch. Evening meal can be dinner or supper, we use both terms. If going to a restaurant its dinner, otherwise its supper.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
cleo when I put up hot peppers I can’t wear my contacts for at least 2 days! Amazing how that heat stays there, and you don’t feel it until you touch your eyes!!
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
cleo - And I suppose they weren’t “disposable” lens?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
cleo, contact lens story, 2 of them, I lost one in the grass one time, my neighbor and I spent hours looking for it! Don’t know why, it was a lost cause from the get go! Another time, I lost one on the bathroom floor but it wasn’t where I thought I dropped it. I knew that because when I took a step back, I heard a crunch!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
I have a question, who is the bear with the thing behind head? I know he’s a semi- regular but what’s his name? Anybody know?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAMom., I wear the gas perm lenses. No soft because I’m afarid they will tear with my nails, and I had a BAD eye infection once from falling asleep with my lenses in overnight, so I’m leary of the ones you can keep in for a long period of time.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Dry - I haven’t been here long enough to know the name of the animal, but I believe it is a lion. doctortoon will know.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Dry - The lion’s name is Kingston.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
RRAmom - You are correct, they were not disposable.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Dry - I am allowed to wear mine overnight, but never do. I have a rough enough time getting them out after a nap, that I don’t dare do it for the whole night. I tried gas perm lenses back in high school. Just couldn’t adjust to them. I wore my “pop bottle bottoms” glasses until our oldest son broke them when he was just a baby. Finally switched to soft contact lenses at that point. When the kids were little with runny noses, I would get a case of pinkeye occasionally. Found out that if I used heat to disinfect my lenses the pink eye wouldn’t return, but would if I only used the chemical solution. Now if I get an eye infection, I just throw the old one away, and after my eye is healed, put a new one in. From what the eye doctor’s assistant told me, most people don’t wear their contacts overnight, even if they have that kind.
carmy over 15 years ago
I used to wear soft lenses in my 20’s, but now I wear glasses. I also fell asleep with the lenses on. When I woke up, one of them was stuck like glue on my eye. My sister warned me not to try to pull it off. One of her friends did that and messed up their eye. I had to suffer and wait until it came loose so I could remove it. The chemo has affected my vision. I don’t need bifocals anymore.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAmom, I had that eye infection many years ago, but it was so bad I still remember it. funny thing is, with all these buy one get free offers at optical places. I have about 3 sets of contacts I have never even worn, still in the original solution and unopened. I guess I stopped losing lenses about 6 years ago! And don’t you just hate it when you’re driving and something gets in your eye with your contacts in?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
cleo, yes I should have known that and I remember now. One of my best vacations was in Kingston Ontario, and when I first saw his name, that is what I remembered
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Carmy my contacts are set up for one long distance, one is short distance! I believe they call that monovision?
And if I’m late for work, I just slap on my glasses!
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
carmy - Whenever I have a lens stuck on like that, I find using a lot of saline/contact solution to flood my eye helps to rehydrate it and make it easier to come off. I have always been scared to wait, afraid that it would get worse the longer it was left on. Nice to know there are additional benefits to chemo! My eyes keep getting less nearsighted. I still wear contacts & reading glasses, as I don’t see near as well with bifocals. I’ve had my contacts changed to a weaker prescription twice, and have another appointment in a couple of weeks for the same reason. (I can usually tell by how much difficulty I have reading road signs that my eyes have changed.) I still have a long way to go before I will have average nearsightedness, but I was thrilled to find out they were getting better, because at first I thought I was losing my sight!
carmy over 15 years ago
Tabby, I’m sorry I didn’t notice what you had said about your Dad last night. I’m sorry you had to hear that from him. Sometimes people take out their frustrations on other people and that is probably what your Dad did. It’s not an excuse for him to do that and you of all people did not deserve it either. You are a very sweet, considerate and intelligent young lady.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Dry - My MIL had one contact for near and one for distance for a while. When my eye doctor asked me if I wanted to try that way, I declined. The night my father died, I lost a contact lens at my parents’ house, when my brother & I went there to tell Mom that Dad had died. (She knew he was dying, but since he bled to death due to the blood thinners, she just couldn’t handle it, and went home.) I had to drive from their house to mine with only one contact lens in. (Thank goodness it was out in the country with almost no traffic & a route I knew well!) I’m so blind without my contacts that I can only see clearly about 6 inches away. (Used to be about 4 inches.) I’ve had one just pop out on me before when I sneezed and I was driving, so I never want to take the chance that it would be my distance lens I’d lose.
carmy over 15 years ago
My nearsightedness has gotten better too, just not significantly. My eye doctor and I were discussing the chemo effect on my eyes and he was as surprised as I was.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Hate to say this, but even at my age I do not need glasses. My vision is very good and it drives my wife crazy. She wears glasses, which she is constantly searching for. When we had our motor home I always was the driver, even though she used to drive a tour bus in Alaska. I would ask her directions and with her glasses on she would be scanning the small print on the AAA map trying to make out the highway numbers and town names. There was a big space between our seats, probably three feet and I would glance over and read the map, which never failed to raise up some comment. LOL
carmy over 15 years ago
Rmom, sorry about your Dad. What an awful way to die. Couldn’t they do anything to help him? My oncologist put me on blood thinner after I developed a blood clot. Soon after, I was having nosebleeds and I had nasty bruises all over my body. He took me off the blood thinner and now I only have an occasional nose bleed.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
RRAmom, I’m sorry for your loss! I’m sure that was a VERY dificult and sad situation! My mom passed when we were on our way to see her. And then to have to tell my dad . . …Life never is easy is it?
carmy over 15 years ago
Dry, that is sad too, about your Mom.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
RRAmom - Your dad’s death reminds me of my own dad. He had Leukemia and his version of the disease made him a bleeder. His skin was so thin that anytime he bumped something he would bleed nonstop for a long time. I was living with him and over the course of his final weeks I became an expert with bandages and would never allow a doctor or nurse to bother doing the job, because they had no idea what they were in for. Night and day, sometimes every half hour I would replace his bandages. The bleeding, fortunately, was contained to his arms. Towards the end I was wrapping his arms in, I can’t remember the name now, but it was like a fake skin, then I would wrap it in gause and tape the gauze, then I would wrap the gauze with abdominal wound bandages, which are apparently meant for stopping intense blood flow. Then I would cover that with Kotex designed to stop the largest amount of blood flow. I would hold it all together with an ace bandage.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Thanks carmy!
I had a lady in the grocery store on Fri ask me if I knew the difference between self rising flour and regular flour because she was trying a new recipe.We talked a bit, She looked to be about my age, when we parted she said to me , “I miss my mom”, I said , “Yes I miss mine too!”
carmy over 15 years ago
Dry, that was so sweet (and sad).
cleokaya over 15 years ago
My mom died a few years before my dad. During her slow death from brain cancer, she was visited by every friend or relative she ever cared about, that was still alive. My parents were both so good to me that I wanted to pay them back by giving them both the opportunity to die at home, as opposed to a hospital or nursing home. With all the company, I quickly became comfortable in dealing with all of their issues and to cook a meal for a large group. Cooking became the activity that allowed me to concentrate on something other than medical issues. As stressful as those 5 years were, I have had some good positive memories to cling to as well. I was always closer to my mom than my dad. When she died I took my dad on the road with me. I was a travel photographer and writer. We spent 5 weeks driving around the U.S. and formed a friendship that became strong and tolerant of each other’s differences, which allowed me to move in with him when he became ill and to take care of him without the little fights we always got into previously.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Yes, it was! But it just goes to show, we all have our sorrows and trials which puts us all on the same playing field at one tine or another!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Cleo what can I say? I’ll bet he enjoyed those road trips!! (((((((((((((((((CLEO)))))))))))))))
carmy over 15 years ago
My maternal grandmother was dying from cancer in the hospital. They couldn’t do anything but make her as comfortable as possible. She decided that she would rather die in her home. My mother along with her brothers and sisters kept vigil at her bedside. She slept peacefully most of the time. One day, she sat up abruptly and appeared to be looking at something right in front of her. My Mom told her (in spanish) Mom, if the Lord is here for you, go.” My grandmother laid back down and passed away.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
You know cleo, I’m sure I’ve seen your photographs but didn’t know you at the time!! :-D
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Dry - Thank you. I was blessed to have two very generous caring parents and as an only child, I probably received more attention than the average child.
carmy over 15 years ago
cleo, what a wonderful, loving son you were for your parents. I’m glad you got to form a better relationship with your Dad. I’m sure they were both very proud of you.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
You know the cartoon strip Big Top is so good. I can’t believe that it isnt still around. I love how Rob uses the two different smacking sounds to first begin and end the strip. Another strip that I really like that should still be around is Citizen Dog.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
cleo, I hear ya! But my dad was way overprotective! I couldn’t own a bike because he was afraid I would get hit by a car, and I wanted a bike more than anything, so I used to borrow my one cousins bike, and my other cousin and I would ride all over the place!! To this day, I don’t think he knows that! My mom knew it, though!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Cleo , I didn’t know Citizen Dog wasn’t current! I love that strip!!
carmy over 15 years ago
Dry, My Dad and I had an odd deal. He would buy me a bike and I would leave it in the driveway behind his car. He would run over it and I would get a new bike. This happened several times too.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Carmy - My Dad had pneumonia, which is why he was in the ICU in the first place. He didn’t take blood thinners before then. They were getting ready to insert a feeding tube, and somehow got his esophagus (sp?) bleeding, so it wasn’t where they could stop it. I had already been told that morning by someone who read his x-rays, that since Dad’s pneumonia hadn’t gotten better in the two weeks he’d been there, that he wasn’t going to leave there alive. It was a rough way to go, but at least it only lasted about 15-16 days. It has been harder dealing with Mom’s health decline, since her first major stroke was over 2 years ago, and she keeps getting worse. My sister is Mom’s primary caregiver, but I have all the legal authority. We hire “granny sitters” (including a couple unemployed brothers) to watch Mom, so my sister isn’t tied down 24/7. None of my siblings have any other family, so they can spend time with Mom without depriving a spouse or children. I don’t get to see Mom as often as I probably should, but I take care of all her finances & other paperwork, which I can do at home. I still try to stop in and see Mom, but she sleeps so much of the time, that she’s not always awake. However, I had the closest relationship to Mom compared to my siblings, because we used to talk on the phone every day for more than 20 years.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
carmy - There is the saying that with the bad comes good, well that was true with both my parent’s illnesses. My mother, I thought would outlive my dad. She always tried to eat healthy and to take care of herself. My dad was a meat and potatoes guy. With my mother dying first, it put my dad and I in the position of being faced with a life without my mother as a buffer. We discovered so much about each other during those five weeks and really learned how to live with one another. When my dad became ill, I put my career aside. At the time I was a nature photographer. During my free time while taking care of him in his early stages of the disease, Country Discoveries, a travel magazine, was born. They wanted travel stories dealing with off the beaten track locations, which was how I liked to travel. I immediately sent off a number of slides of a local drive which I consider to be tough to beat. I also decided to include my first ever written article to accompany the photos. The editor called me and said, “We love your article and would like to feature it as the principle article in one of our first issues. The only problem is that there are no people in your photographs.” My dad was still relatively healthy and the photos were of a triip close by, so I loaded up my camera gear and spent a weekend driving the highway first east and then back west, stopping to photograph people kayaking, hiking, at view points, etc. This opened up a much more lucrative career, because suddenly I was creating the article and selling a number to photographs instead of one or two. This wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t taking care of my dad.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
That was so neat, cleo! I’m glad you and your Dad were able to have a good relationship in his last years. One brother & my Dad were estranged when Dad died. I know it bothered Dad about the conflict, but other than crying like crazy at the funeral, my brother hasn’t shown any signs of regret. For a variety of reasons, I don’t have much respect for that brother.
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
cleokaya over 15 years ago
RRAmom- It is tough watching our parents go from being the strong helpful presence to the one needing the care. I think a parents demise can really, at least in my case, help make you a better adult, able to deal with situations that previously you relied on your parents to take care of.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Sorry, JFri.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
I was just going to ask where *JFri *was because i owe him a
*:-Pcleokaya over 15 years ago
JFri – With you aboard, I am sure things will change dramatically. Are you by chance suggesting cocktails?
carmy over 15 years ago
JFri, you get a raspberry and some black eyes to boot!
:-P (xx)Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
cleo - I know I’ve learned a lot about “senior issues” and “end of life” issues that I probably wouldn’t have known otherwise. I was probably the closest out of the 5 children to both of my parents. Mostly after I got married and had their only grandchildren. We would visit my parents every Friday evening after we had our first, because we were too poor to do anything else for entertainment. My hubby’s parents have always lived out-of-state, so there wasn’t a problem with us spending so much time with mine. My Dad worked at Boeing for over 30 years, and my husband for almost 20, so Dad told my hubby stories that none of us kids ever heard. I called Mom every day, just to make sure they were okay, and of course, chatted. (Dad retired when I was in high school, and Mom quit working at the same time, so except for Sundays, no one else would miss them immediately.) Being the only parent (or spouse for any length of time) out of all us kids, I had a lot more in common with my parents than my siblings.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
RRAmom - Dealing with “senior issues” is tough but makes us stronger.
My job at this moment, as I have just been informed, is to make a salad dressing so , carry on all. With JFri present, there will probably be lampshades, hooting and hollering, and debauchery occurring upon my return.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
I gave up those types of parties 25 years ago, so I’ll bow out now, and leave the rowdy ones to carry one.
carmy over 15 years ago
My husband will be home at the end of this month and he has already planned out what he wants for supper. Beef tacos and chicken móle tacos. Spanish rice, beans, flour and corn tortillas and all the taco fixings. Jalapeños too.
carmy over 15 years ago
Has anyone ever tried chicken móle? If not, it’s like a sauce that you can either cook the chicken in or have it on the side. It’s made in Mexico, it has chocolate and lots of spices. I can’t taste the chocolate, the heavy spices prohibit that. I get a jar of it that is pretty much dry with some liquid. I empty the jar in a saucepan and add chicken broth over a low setting on the stove. I just stir and add broth until it is the consistency they we like. It’s really good!
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Wow, today the topics of discussion appear to be contact lenses, (don’t where them) and dying parents, (don’t have any thank goodness). I wouldn’t have been able to contribute much even if I was here.
carmy over 15 years ago
carmy over 15 years ago
Hi johnny, I thought we were going to have a little party, but they disappeared. Now, I got to disappear for a few minutes too. Stick around, they should be back soon. :)
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Sorry, I can’t stick around, I have to work tomorrow, so I must be off to bed. Good night all and peace and love. I will see you tomorrow :)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Well GOLLY! As Gomer Pyle would say! Where did everybody go?? Aw SHUCKS!!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
I hate people who deliberately smack when you tell them it bugs you. I think Dusty just bit the dust!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hi Shika, how was your weekend? Cleo said you were sticking your tongue out at us, I said, she must have been sticking it at you because I didn’t see that! LOL!
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Shika - I hope you had a cozy weekend inside your RV watching us tent campers camped around you like peasants around the Taj Mahal. LOL
carmy - My wife and I like mole. Her daughter made the sauce from scratch for a school project. Actually, my wife speaks some Spanish, but both of her kids are pretty much fluid in the language. Her daughter went to Spain and spent six months studying there and living with a local family. Back to mole. It is hard to beat Dona Maria. It is so good, it makes you not want to make your own.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hi Dry and cleo I wasn’t sticking my tongue out for you. I was testing the air for rain.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
I’ve only read the posts for Friday so far, so I think I’ve miss something.
Pirate! Glad you made it to the dock! I saw you ship- WOW! Where’d you get it?
Dry, and cleo- What RV? I was in the Lodge! LOL That must have been Dod and Sweety in there, naughty Doc!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
I left some posts back on Friday for you people.
Thanks for the party and the best wishes. You put a smile on my face that lasted three day. I loved it!
(((((((((TRIBE))))))))))))))carmy over 15 years ago
Hi Shika, welcome back! I hope you had a great time.
cleo, we use Dona Maria too. They sell it in the commissary. I used to have my Mom buy some in Brownsville and send it to me. When we were in WA, they even had it at the Red Apple.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Since everyone seems to have gone, I’m going to bed, but I hope there is another party soon- there is another birthday coming up.
Margueritem- I see we ate all the wedding cake. Is that what we looked like? LOL
carmy over 15 years ago
cleo, My mom and her sisters can make it from scratch too, but they use the Dona Maria also.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Shika - I thought you said that you were camping in your RV. My mistake. So you were all cushy in your lodge. Hope you had a good time.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Shika - I too love wildflowers because they remind me of our garden. I am good at combining flowers to make a nice arrangement. I also like how long the flowers last, as long as two weeks, still looking fresh. I buy my wife flowers all the time, but she has made me taper off in the summer months because our own yard provides all the color that she needs. I am glad that you enjoyed the arrangement. I am glad that you enjoyed the weekend as well.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Cleo, last time I got flowers, I bought them myself! LOL
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
carmy thanks… its okay that you didnt relize what i said last night… i dont think anyone would and if you did or didnt it was okay because i was just venting and putting it like it was. do need to think of some way to take the burning out of my hands thought…i was told it was indeed a chemical burn… :0( and when it gets in water it just makes the chemicals work again…. so it sucks i wont do that again.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Dry - All women deserve to get flowers and not for an occasion, but just because you are who you are.
tabby - I worry about you. You have been having to many accidents. I begin to think that you are so busy that you are not paying enough attention to your own safety. I know you are always busy, but it is important to slow down and think about each action that you take. We care about you and don’t like to see you hurt.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
so how was your day today?
cleokaya over 15 years ago
JFri - You come on and get us all excited about partying, then disappear. Hey dude, that’s like inciting a riot. LOL
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo aww you guys are so going to make me cry. i do need to slow down and pay attention bc im a kultz as it is and not paying attention doesnt help, but the chemical burn was be just doing what i had to do and not putting gloves on like a smart person bc i didnt have time or patiences (sp) to go find them.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
cleo thank you!!
cleokaya over 15 years ago
tabby - If you are a klutz, all the more reason to be careful. I too am a klutz, but I do not have anywhere near the amount of situations arise as you. Take time for yourself. Think out your move. If you are busy, it is best to think things out and then act of those thoughts, rather to act and get hurt and not be able to carry on with your task. We want you around to enjoy life and to fulfill a task in one piece.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
tabby, for once PLEASE put yourself first! Cleo is right!! Slow down, we DO care about you!
*We love you! You are a special girl, girlie!! :-Dtabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo thanks. i will slow down and pay attention just for you guys. i would love to beable to do things in one piece also. it just so hard. i just never seem to have the time i need. and it doesnt help that i play on here, but i love you guys tomuch to stop now… i do my work first most of the time. so its all good.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Dry - Women are the best thing that ever happened to me. I want to make sure that I make my lady realize that. And, I want to let other women know that I appreciate who they are and how they improve my life as well.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Cleo- I did go up in an RV, but also mentioned we had the option of a Lodge once we got up there.
BTW guys (that includes everone) in RL, we had the artist for “King of the Hill” and another T.V. show I forget right now docked in the Bay in town. I’m told that the yacht is worth $13 million. I thought it was Pirate at first, and got all excited thinking the party had come to me- but it was only a another celebrity :-) We had people fro the big city busing up to see this 150 foot yacht.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
tabby–Take care of yourself sister, we love you too much to see you suffer like this.
Good night all. Love ya!
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Shika - Everyone is talking about RL. Excuse my ignorance, but what is RL?
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Shika - Back in the time when I had TV, I used to like “KIng Of The Hill”. I never realized that it generated enough money to allow the artist to live in such luxury. It makes you feel for some of the gocomics cartoonists who are every bit as creative.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
thanks all night Shika
where did carmy go???
Dry are you going to make it till change over? i have ana so im hopeing i will still be here…. hummm
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
cleo, RL is Real life! Our lives away from this frolic and fun!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Tabby, I don’t think so! I have to work tmr. but hope to get up early enougn for doc’s big surprise!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Night all!
Peace, love and pleasant dreams!
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo RL is what keeps killing me. lol
Dry i just looked at the clock i thought it was later than this…. sigh. i needs to be time… you should go to bed sleep a few hours and get up post it and run back to bed… tell hubby you had to get a bite to eat or need something to drink. lol oh r you had to potty. lol
cleokaya over 15 years ago
I am off to watch a movie. Hope to be back later.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Akenta- I left a note for you on yesterday’s posts about June!
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
hi shika
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
night dry
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
shika to answer you question to Jdoc on fridays comic…. we are both to young to drink… and i just dont want to do it ever….
carmy over 15 years ago
I had some computer problems. I’ll be right back. I need to check something.
Goodnight, Dry and Shika.
carmy over 15 years ago
you still there?
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
yep im here. u?
carmy over 15 years ago
I’m here. I had to restart my computer and I kind of got lost along the way.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
im being attacked by a child save me!!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago
Goodnight again! For real this time!! Love you guys!!
carmy over 15 years ago
Is it Ana?
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
yep it is..
carmy over 15 years ago
Love ya Dry!
Tabby, is she hungry?
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Carmy LOL she is always hungry… she has this game she plays when she is happy. she will walk up to you and and grab at you then put her hand in her mouth and say yummy… she goes youtaste good.
she has just upset me again… she pottied in her pullup.. :( i cant do this anymore.
carmy over 15 years ago
Hang in there girl.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
i will, my time is almost up… lol sounds like im in jail or something.
i may just tell yuo what i was talking abotu and planing on telling u tomorrow. lol now im confused.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
I am back. My sweetie started to fall asleep, so we only watched part of the movie. That is the good thing about Netflix.
carmy over 15 years ago
tell me now or tell me later. It’s up to you.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Im telling you now ;0)…. lol i am wating along time to have kids. lol
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo what are you watching tonight?
cleokaya over 15 years ago
tabby- We were watching “Marilyn Hotchkiss Ballroom Dancing and Charm School”. It is absolutely full of great actors in small rolls, one after the other. So far it is very good.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Cleo i am not even going to try to say that title, well the first two words. lol
im still here and tired… hey what is that i here?? Quite? could it be? she is still awake and its qutie…. if she is still here after the change over im going bring her home.
carmy over 15 years ago
cleo, I use Netflix too. I love it.
I’ll be back in a few minutes, trying to get some stuff ready here.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Hope everyone has had a good Sunday. I certainly have. For once I had a day with a little bit of work , a little bit of reading and a little bit of exercise.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
carmy - Yes, Netfix is the way to go for us.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
Carmy well she fell asleep, so that means i have to go bring her home… could you please do what we talked about and i will be back asap.. love you.
bbl tribe. peace and love.
carmy over 15 years ago
Tabby, I will do that. No problem.
cleo, I get 3 at a time from Netflix, but one time there was a delay on their part so they sent me a 4th with no extra charge.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
carmy - I am on the same plan.
tabbylynn over 15 years ago
wow im back and its still the old one? what with that.. its 12:23