He could start a group. Let’s see…. Foo-foo and the poodles? Naw; need something more macho. Flying? Foo-foo and the pilots? No, dogs don’t usually fly. They sniff each other’s bums, but that would only gross out the parents of his groupies, and lead to fights. Ah, fights; dogs can fight… I know! Foo-Foo and the Fighters.Oh. maybe wait on the suggestion, Dusty… Let me sleep on it, at least.
He could start a group. Let’s see…. Foo-foo and the poodles? Naw; need something more macho. Flying? Foo-foo and the pilots? No, dogs don’t usually fly. They sniff each other’s bums, but that would only gross out the parents of his groupies, and lead to fights. Ah, fights; dogs can fight… I know! Foo-Foo and the Fighters.Oh. maybe wait on the suggestion, Dusty… Let me sleep on it, at least.