Instead of just jumping on your hackneyed use of the same ol’, same ol’ Republican Koolaid, I’ll simply say that our “free market” economy isn’t and hasn’t been for many years. But for you “free market” types, we wouldn’t have allowed the Republicans to basically gut regulation of Wall Street and, worse yet, we wouldn’t have allowed the Republicans to deregulate banking. Prior to them allowing interstate banking, we did not have just a few huge banks (BOA, Citigroup, etc.) dominating the financial landscape and intercoursing us every day in every way. We had small town banks. We had medium sized banks. We had state-wide banks. What we had was many, many banks who were forced to compete for our business and could not get away with sneaking in itsy bitsy charges for everything we do but fart. We could deal with actual American humans, either in person or by telephone. We did not have to attempt to understand Ms. Gupta from Calcuta who didn’t know us from Adam and could not have cared less about us as individuals. You “free market” lovelies finished that for us. Gee, thank you so much.
Instead of just jumping on your hackneyed use of the same ol’, same ol’ Republican Koolaid, I’ll simply say that our “free market” economy isn’t and hasn’t been for many years. But for you “free market” types, we wouldn’t have allowed the Republicans to basically gut regulation of Wall Street and, worse yet, we wouldn’t have allowed the Republicans to deregulate banking. Prior to them allowing interstate banking, we did not have just a few huge banks (BOA, Citigroup, etc.) dominating the financial landscape and intercoursing us every day in every way. We had small town banks. We had medium sized banks. We had state-wide banks. What we had was many, many banks who were forced to compete for our business and could not get away with sneaking in itsy bitsy charges for everything we do but fart. We could deal with actual American humans, either in person or by telephone. We did not have to attempt to understand Ms. Gupta from Calcuta who didn’t know us from Adam and could not have cared less about us as individuals. You “free market” lovelies finished that for us. Gee, thank you so much.