Brooke McEldowney's Wahoo Terminal Makes an Appearance in Pibgorn
by GoComicsFans will get a peek into a version of "Wahoo Terminal" within the universe of "Pigborn" starting on November 28. Read on for insight from Brooke.
Welling up out of the DEEP MAGIC from before the DAWN OF TIME and, in the best tradition of Colin Clive, brought to life from an admixture of Hunt nibs, India Ink, newt eyes and a generous dusting of runic curses, Wahoo Terminal roiled up under the watchful, editorial gaze of deer mice, and was sprung upon star-crossed syndicates in 1991. With lightning speed it was sprung back. However, one syndicate proffered a letter beginning with the words, "We've had a chance to digest the material in Wahoo Terminal. (After reading through it, my synapses became temporarily blocked, but now are functioning so I can respond.)"
As a cartoonist, I took this as encouragement. (As a cartoonist, I would have taken being kneecapped in an alley as encouragement, but I digress.) I have ever since preserved Wahoo Terminal, perhaps the runt of my litter but still the runt I adore, which brings me now to the decision, after 24 years, to redraw the strip, invent some new installments as they may occur to me, and present it here, interposed into the present story of Pibgorn.
All I can add to that is Colin Clive's observation upon watching Boris Karloff's fingers begin to move, "It's ALIVE!"