Happy 40th Luann-iversary!
by GoComics TeamHappy 40th anniversary to "Luann"! Since its debut on March 17, 1985, "Luann" has showcased the ups and downs of teenage life through the eyes of the namesake main character. Described by creator Greg Evans as a "comic strip sitcom," "Luann" is a true family endeavor—in 2012, Greg's daughter, Karen, started co-authoring the strip.
In honor of four decades, we chatted with Greg as he reflects on some of his favorite "Luann" moments and the lasting impact of the strip.
What do you think it is about Luann that has made it so popular with readers—and editors—for so long?
I think the characters' personalities, relationships and, most importantly, their growth and development has kept readers interested all these years. "Luann" is unique in that it's not a gag-a-day strip like "Pickles" or a "serious" strip like "Mary Worth". It's sort of a comic strip sitcom.
What has been your favorite part about creating this strip and these characters and for 40 years?
There's no favorite part. I was weirdly born to be a cartoonist. It's all I ever wanted to do and I'm grateful that I've been able to do it for nearly half my life. Creating humor, spinning stories, drawing, even the solitary nature of the job—I love it all. It's never been... well... a job. And having my daughter Karen join me as co-creator has been a true joy.
Do you have a favorite strip that you’ve created? If yes, what one?
My job is to entertain readers and make them want to return, day after day, with compelling stories or high hilarity. My favorite story is the series of May 6, 1991, when Luann gets her first period. My favorite funny strip (to me, anyway, since humor is subjective) is the Sunday, November 13, 1988, when Brad bashes his thumb.
If you launched Luann today, what would you do differently?
Call it "Calvin And Hobbes". Seriously, the name "Luann" is just... slippery. Tricky to say (LooWan?), to spell (Luanne?), and to remember (Little Lulu?). Shoulda called it "Zits" (which didn't come along until 12 years later).
What is one thing readers don’t know about Luann?
That she's fictitious. I joke, but it's amazing to me how deeply immersed and passionate some readers get. Not that I'm complaining. It's truly flattering that people care so much.
What do you hope to see in years to come with Luann?
Two things: 1. That Karen and I will continue producing the best "Luann" we possibly can. 2. That there will still be newspapers around.
Is there anything else you would like to add about the strip, or about your life as a cartoonist?
Yes. I want to thank my wife Betty for always believing in me, for being an unwavering source of support, encouragement and ideas. There'd be no Luann without her.
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