National Chili Dog Day Comics Are A Gas
by The GoComics TeamThere are dog days and then there are chili dog days, and National Chili Dog Day is decidedly the latter. We know this because of its nomenclature.
While verifying, we were reminded that video game icon/longtime comics star Sonic the Hedgehog was a huge fan of chili dogs. Sadly, Sonic's newspaper strip comic never came to North America and was limited to a U.K. release during the early '90s. Unlike that comic, chili dogs are unlimited and available wherever good people know how to top a hot dog with chili and bonus chili-compatible toppings like cheese, onions, and hot sauce. With edible components like those, chili dogs (or Coney Dogs, if you've got historical/regional vibes), can cause indigestion, gas, and supernatural powers. At least that's what we hope. That last one is not verified by any of our own comics on the subject.
Enjoy these comics in honor of National Chili Dog Day. They have all of the chili, all of the dog, and none of the harrowing gastronomical side effects.
Big Nate By Lincoln Peirce Sept 7, 1997
Garfield By Jim Davis Jan 23, 2007
The Grizzwells By Bill Schorr April 8, 2011
Cleats By Bill Hinds March 30, 2002
Lola By Todd Clark April 12, 2008
The Born Loser By Art and Chip Sansom Jan 19, 2016
Brevity By Dan Thompson Aug 15, 2015
Drabble By Kevin Fagan Oct 16, 2007
Stone Soup By Jan Eliot June 21, 2004
Monty By Jim Meddick July 21, 2010
BiggerNate91 over 7 years ago
First a chili-day playlist, and now a chili-dog-day playlist.
drivingfuriously Premium Member over 7 years ago
If I eat one before going to bed, well, it could be lethal.
Matthew Prower over 4 years ago
is gocomics allowed to reference sonic
T&J Fan almost 4 years ago