New Comic Alert: 'Lil' Donnie' By Mike Norton
by Caleb GoellnerIt's a tried and true cartooning technique: when a politician acts like a kid, artists draw them as a kid. In Mike Norton's Lil' Donnie, however, the presidential main character is essentially depicted as-seen-on-TV -- it's his childish antics that merit a kiddie moniker.
Created to help Norton cope with a candidate he can't comprehend, Lil' Donnie simply depicts the president as the artist sees him. His diminutive take on Donald Trump is impatient, insecure, and prone to bouts of equal parts high-stakes decision and indecision. He also has small hands. Very small hands.
Lil' Donnie launches with an archive of nearly 80 strips that cover all of the key moments from Trump's first 250+ volatile days in office. It's a bountiful strip by a prolific, Eisner and Harvey Award-winning creator known for drawing comics for Marvel, DC, and Image while simultaneously creating webcomics like Battlepug. His sense of storytelling and comedic timing stand out in the political cartooning landscape, which is why you may find yourself binge-reading every single strip before your lunch break.
You can read the latest Lil' Donnie now, or start from the beginning by clicking the button below.
Texanna Premium Member over 7 years ago
Making a living out of disrespecting the President is just wrong! I have never seen soo many sore losers in all my life.
bhambaker over 7 years ago
Lil Donnie: Worst President ever!
JimBrinkley Premium Member over 7 years ago
Looks like another half skilled cartoonist / loser still butt hurt over the election. Get outta here freak show, you are a dime a dozen and no it’s not even funny either.
Richard A Erdman Premium Member over 7 years ago
The sad part is that if in 2008 a cartoonist would have done “Little Barry” he would have had to do his best impression of Salman Rushdie. That being said…..I’ll pass on this one.
bridieo Premium Member over 7 years ago
I love this one. Reality hurts, and it’s not from Hillary losing, it’s from this menace getting in by cheating.
lauraacuity Premium Member over 7 years ago
won’t be reading this one
pamela welch Premium Member over 7 years ago
Frighteningly accurate. Love it!
Sarge911 over 7 years ago
Poor comic. Junk. I would not take up the space on my screen with this one. I hope you get rid of it soon.
critical44 over 7 years ago
Wow, a lot of butthurt reality deniers here, nearly as thin skinned as The Pretender to the Presidency himself!
Micheal Kingsley over 7 years ago
Trolls, on comics. good grief Charley Brown! I’ll read it, it’s funny!
JayhawkJohn Premium Member over 7 years ago
worthless pile of manure by a butt hurt loser
rlhsr23 Premium Member over 7 years ago
I am amazed at how many people still prove their immaturity by name calling! Its as if they never passed third grade or came in from the playground! Didn’t they hear Thumper Rabbit…..If you can’t say nothin’ nice………?
oldschool13 over 7 years ago
Truth hurts! Hysterically funny, which is scary actually.