Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for June 10, 2009

  1. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 15 years ago

    I never was a Radical Meadowist. (On the other hand, in college a fellow-major and I founded the Constitutional Anarchy Party: I don’t recall that we ever got another member; too esoteric, I suppose.)

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    jrbj  over 15 years ago

    Reaganomics still works, but since we’ve turned to socialism no one will ever realize that and we’ll all become useless drones, dressed in itchy wool clothing, and devoid of all hope. Good morning Comrade, have a nice, useless day.

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  3. Black wolf
    wolfbyte36  over 15 years ago

    we’re already there jrbj and there’s no change in sight.

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  4. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  over 15 years ago

    i was a member of the Rhinoceros Party and still have the button to prove it!

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  5. Dim2
    farren  over 15 years ago

    Reaganomics works as well now as it ever did.

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  6. Dude on
    wilorg  over 15 years ago

    Er, hello? How is it that people actually believe things despite hard evidence? Reaganomics actually didn’t work and nearly bankrupted the economy, although Clintonomics seems to have worked (alas). Shrub’s retread of Reaganomics sold the US to Chinese. Maybe Obanomics will work. Who knows? The damage is so deep…. I just wonder how some people can forget the last 8 years and mess of it. On the other hand, not being an American, perhaps it is easier for me to see the truth and not be blinded by local superstition. Pass the dandelions, I’ve got a meadow to sit in…..

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    ianrey  over 15 years ago

    You know how we said in the 80s that Reagan was mortgaging our future, piling debt on our children? Well, now it’s the future, and the economy we have today is mortgaged to the hilt; we are the children buried in Reagan’s debt. If we invest our time and money now in things that benefit us in the future, like education and infrastructure, we can get out of it, but if we plow more money into things that benefit no one, like missile defense, and invasions of unarmed nations, we will complete the journey down the path Reagan created, and end our nation.

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  8. Eagle
    freebird77  over 15 years ago

    We are actually in Obama’s debt. They say Clinton wiped away the national debt after the biggest tax increase in American history. That also include taxing Social Security. The debt came back towards the end of Clintons watch. The national dept was at one trillion when Obama took over now it is near 10 trillion. Over half of the 9 trillion went to pork barrel projects and special interests groups (liberal). Most of the rest was spent on bail outs and socialism. This was all done under a Democrat President, House and Senate. Congratulations.

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    cleokaya  over 15 years ago

    Oh yes doctortoon. I remember Howard the Duck fondly.

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    ChiehHsia  over 15 years ago

    wilorg, plenty of Americans see the truth, entirely free of local superstition, and do whatever we can in our own little ways to fix the problems, but we’re working against a self-perpetuating troika of corrupt politicians, xenophobic fools, and religious bigots. Apparently we have quite a bit in common with Iran in some important respects.

    Fortunately, the ruling coalition has not yet progressed to killing our citizens openly and en masse.

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  11. Img 0027
    jackofstories  over 15 years ago

    “Why a duck?”, you ask! I say, why not a duck? You’ve had turkeys running this country for 200 years!-HTD

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  12. M67761m8zp9
    boozoothatswho  over 15 years ago

    Raygonomics was economics for morons. It was based in Hooverism. Of course, Raygun didn’t actually believe in anything, because that would actually have required a brain. So he spent government cash like a drunken sailor and relied on the totally insane but felicitously named Elliot Laffer.

    Rome had Caligula, the US had Ronny Raygun, and then lived through the Deviated Septum.

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    blahbobbyblah  over 15 years ago

    Stripper. “…stomp out completely any morals and responsibilities…” You are funny. I really hope you don’t vote. It is bizarre comments like that from people that makes me doubt the future. I should know better than read comments.

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    icfnords  over 15 years ago

    I’ve always loved Bloom County, but nothing is a funny as stripper’s comment. 50% unemployment? Marrying pigs? What a riot! Thanks for the laugh!

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    ABLEBAKER  over 15 years ago


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  16. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  over 15 years ago

    @stripper, you’re a fascist, right? and homosexuals make you froth at the mouth. If all it took was a little propaganda (say, from a schoolteacher) to make kids like certain kinds of sexual activity, why, they’d all be heterosexuals! But somehow, some of them are not! so whatever it is that makes someone homosexual, it is in spite of the lifelong hassle they will receive.

    Believe me, I do not spend all my time obsessed with homosexuality. And somehow I don’t connect it with bestiality, or corrupting children.

    And btw, just how did Obama add $9 trillion to the national debt just since January?!!

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  17. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  over 15 years ago

    Talking animals and anxiety closets are improbable enough, but Reaganomics working?! Now that’s unbelievable!

    Seriously, whenever anyone in the media said it was working, they meant only for the rich and only at the moment, and that’s the kind of “thinking” that caused the economic meltdown.

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  18. Dude on
    wilorg  over 15 years ago

    I can only assume that stripper is pulling our legs - no one can be that deluded, surely. Goodness! At any rate, it has nothing to do with Homosexuality (who could possibly care?)or Obanomics(is there yet?) or anything else like that - just plain facts - hard figures, not wild conjecture. I suggest to stripper that he stick with the facts, as culled from primary sources (the General Accounting Office is a good start) rather than filter ideas of, well, loons and buffoons, to be honest. And that actually is what Bloom County is satirising, mr. Stripper. I assume you know what satire is, yes?

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