All you people lauding the advantages of the slide rule sound like the dinosaurs who maintain drafting was faster on a drawing board. Reality jumps in with the fact that while computers are more complicated and are dependent upon a power supply, they are more accurate and allow for much better work than the old methods. I know because I have lived during both the transitions from slide rules to calculators and board drafting to computer aided drafting. I enjoyed both learning how to use a slide rule and drawing on a drafting board, but once I became proficient in the use of the modern tools, I was frustrated when I had to use the old methods.
All you people lauding the advantages of the slide rule sound like the dinosaurs who maintain drafting was faster on a drawing board. Reality jumps in with the fact that while computers are more complicated and are dependent upon a power supply, they are more accurate and allow for much better work than the old methods. I know because I have lived during both the transitions from slide rules to calculators and board drafting to computer aided drafting. I enjoyed both learning how to use a slide rule and drawing on a drafting board, but once I became proficient in the use of the modern tools, I was frustrated when I had to use the old methods.