I dunno….looks like the ’Publicans are trying.Here in Texas we just had Rick Perry. Now we got the current Paranoid in Chief as guv. Some twit named Abbot. Same job as SHRUB had. Just to show how peace loving ’Publicans like war, Perry talked about seceding from the Union. And the current nut case claimed we were invaded by the Feds. (Jade Helm).
In a small North Texas town I won’t name. I was in the cafe and a bunch of the old men were clutching Confederate flags. Gettin’ ready to secede.I ain’t making this up. You can’t make it up.It’s like watching inmates in an insane asylum.
I dunno….looks like the ’Publicans are trying.Here in Texas we just had Rick Perry. Now we got the current Paranoid in Chief as guv. Some twit named Abbot. Same job as SHRUB had. Just to show how peace loving ’Publicans like war, Perry talked about seceding from the Union. And the current nut case claimed we were invaded by the Feds. (Jade Helm).
In a small North Texas town I won’t name. I was in the cafe and a bunch of the old men were clutching Confederate flags. Gettin’ ready to secede.I ain’t making this up. You can’t make it up.It’s like watching inmates in an insane asylum.