“The Information Highway”: that’s a phrase I haven’t heard in a long, long time!And, it looks as though the Information Highway Patrol failed in its mission. There are crazy drivers all over the web! Malicious ones, too….
Do Information Highway Officer Patrolmen use the acronym IHOP? Sounds like a wonderful idea this morning, but I wouldn’t want to be caught waffling in my views… (groan, I can hear it on your face)
I always considered people who used the terms “Information Super Highway” and “Cyberspace” to be woefully ignorant. Thankfully, we don’t hear those terms used much anymore.
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
“The Information Highway”: that’s a phrase I haven’t heard in a long, long time!And, it looks as though the Information Highway Patrol failed in its mission. There are crazy drivers all over the web! Malicious ones, too….
jrankin1959 almost 9 years ago
Bill gets that a lot…
Vonne Anton almost 9 years ago
Do Information Highway Officer Patrolmen use the acronym IHOP? Sounds like a wonderful idea this morning, but I wouldn’t want to be caught waffling in my views… (groan, I can hear it on your face)
vwdualnomand almost 9 years ago
wish google fiber would enter my town. the monopolistic power of comcast and att suck.
Dracolet Premium Member almost 9 years ago
The Rug! (Big Lebowski)
ChessPirate almost 9 years ago
Why would he refer to the computer by citing the size of the hard drive? You generally cited the speed of the computer, like “500 MegaHertz”.
Black4dder almost 9 years ago
I was asked once by a cable tv installer, “You do know what a ‘hert’ is, don’t you?”
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
I always considered people who used the terms “Information Super Highway” and “Cyberspace” to be woefully ignorant. Thankfully, we don’t hear those terms used much anymore.
Dragoncat almost 9 years ago
I can’t wait to hear how anyone can joyride on the info super highway with a typewriter!