A government is essential for maintaining law (Lawyers) and order (Military).
So….is it any wonder why lawyers and former military officers naturally gravitate towards positions of power? And thus….is it any wonder why our world is in the state it is?
This arc is brilliant. It calls to light a big issue. If we TRULY want to fix things, we have to 1) remove lawyers from unduly benefiting from the laws they write, and 2) honor our veterans while not permitting them to hold onto power.
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
At least its not the Doonsbury guy.
LightWarriorK almost 9 years ago
A government is essential for maintaining law (Lawyers) and order (Military).
So….is it any wonder why lawyers and former military officers naturally gravitate towards positions of power? And thus….is it any wonder why our world is in the state it is?
This arc is brilliant. It calls to light a big issue. If we TRULY want to fix things, we have to 1) remove lawyers from unduly benefiting from the laws they write, and 2) honor our veterans while not permitting them to hold onto power.
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
Phbfft! to lawyers, and to career politicians!