Reminiscent of an ancient Beetle Bailey strip where Sarge chews out one of the characters for having his fatigue cap on wrong. The upshot was that everyone then turned their caps that way (but I don’t remember if they did it in protest or on Sarge’s orders.)
Sisu60 over 6 years ago
one of my favorite strips some blowhard yells at the gang about getting into step like the rest of us so the waddle out of step
FreyjaRN Premium Member over 6 years ago
Why get in step?
Chithing Premium Member over 6 years ago
Good answer, guys.
Morduin00 over 6 years ago
The norm is for those that want it. The ab-norm is for the rest of us.
Diat60 over 6 years ago
Criticizing Opus for something he can’t help. Brilliant.
kauri44 over 6 years ago
Here we come a-waddling among the leaves so green…
Bob Blumenfeld over 6 years ago
Reminiscent of an ancient Beetle Bailey strip where Sarge chews out one of the characters for having his fatigue cap on wrong. The upshot was that everyone then turned their caps that way (but I don’t remember if they did it in protest or on Sarge’s orders.)
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
More waddle, less twaddle. A penguin’s gotta do what a penguin’s gotta do, to paraphrase someone or other (not John Wayne, not Alan Ladd).