I think both pickled prunes and the “Bill and Opus” ticket would do well in a poll against the 2 major party windbags in 2020 though Limekiller would be a good Trump surrogate! Breathed was right though about old Walter M in ‘84, the faithful old warhorse got curb stomped by Teflon Ron and I have to admit Reagan’s comment about “not holding my opponents youth and inexperience against him” was a good one from the gipper. At least Walter got to ask Gary Hart “Where’s the Beef?” for a brief minute of glory and relevance……
Alexander the Good Enough over 4 years ago
So very timely, of course, complete with a tie that’s much too long…
TampaFanatic1 over 4 years ago
I think both pickled prunes and the “Bill and Opus” ticket would do well in a poll against the 2 major party windbags in 2020 though Limekiller would be a good Trump surrogate! Breathed was right though about old Walter M in ‘84, the faithful old warhorse got curb stomped by Teflon Ron and I have to admit Reagan’s comment about “not holding my opponents youth and inexperience against him” was a good one from the gipper. At least Walter got to ask Gary Hart “Where’s the Beef?” for a brief minute of glory and relevance……
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 4 years ago
they skipped over the hole convention.
Lost democrat- “Who are you guys putting up against Reagan in the fall?”
opus “A dead cat”
lost democrat shrugging “What the hell” joins the meadow party.
johnec over 4 years ago
I like pickled prunes!
And the Meadow Party.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Cheer up, gang. Look at your leader, Bill the Cat! He has the right attitude every time!
t_win27 over 4 years ago
Pickled Prunes has MY vote!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Memories of 1984, wow.