Bob the Angry Flower
Once described by someone as "your id with an unlimited budget," Bob the Angry Flower is a dandelion-daisy-sunflower crossbreed, the kind that walks and talks. Operating at times as a rogue mad scientist in uneasy alliance with the United Nations, and at other times as a clueless dingus whose most deadly enemy is himself, Bob deploys a wide spectrum of emotion including but not limited to rage against the endless inanities of our world, plus all other worlds real or imagined.

Brought to sentient life by a dying space-fairy's song of unutterable sadness, the animated tree-stump known to all as "Stumpy" enrolled in the University of Alberta. Needing a roommate, he reluctantly moved in with fellow U of A student Bob the Angry Flower, and they've been living together ever since, much to Stumpy's near-constant chagrin.

Freddy the Flying Fetus
Emerging from involuntary confinement during an unspecified procedure gone beautifully awry, Freddie the Flying Fetus fled the scene and, needing purpose and direction, responded to a US Army ad by enlisting. Rapidly rising through the ranks, he joined Special Forces, received Code Omega training and was put in the field. Within hours he realized the work was icky and deserted his post. Hearing that a walking flower and a talking tree stump had a place in Edmonton, he asked them if he could move in and they accepted, his infinite goodness and naivete serving him ill as reluctant foil to Bob the Angry Flower's perpetual meannesss and cruelty.