Joe-Allen - I’m glad you made it home from ‘Nam. I was still in High School in ‘68 & remember reading about the horrors of war.
Watch out for Acetaminophen (Generic Tylenol) - it can do liver damage if too much is ingested. When I was working as a Pharmacy Tech - the Pharmacists used to say it wasn’t the “controlled” portion of the medication that causes problems, but the acetaminophen.
Joe-Allen - I’m glad you made it home from ‘Nam. I was still in High School in ‘68 & remember reading about the horrors of war.
Watch out for Acetaminophen (Generic Tylenol) - it can do liver damage if too much is ingested. When I was working as a Pharmacy Tech - the Pharmacists used to say it wasn’t the “controlled” portion of the medication that causes problems, but the acetaminophen.