Bob the Squirrel by Frank Page for November 20, 2023

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    juicebruce  over 1 year ago

    Bob, boxes also work ;-)

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  2. Fencie icon
    fencie  over 1 year ago

    Being nit-picky here, but we get Amazon deliveries at least twice a week and none have packing peanuts. Sometimes they use air pillows. Usually the items are just bouncing around inside the box. Or are packed in brown paper envelopes that soak up rain water and ruin whatever’s inside. That said, boxes are fun, and handy for reuse once you brush out the squirrel fur.

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    Zebrastripes  over 1 year ago

    Just don’t eat those foam peanuts….

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    Egrayjames  over 1 year ago

    Speaking of boxes…..last week I was in Greenville, Maine at the local grocery store. Because of new regulations paper bags must be used and they charge you for them. The store had put a small cage at the front of the store, inside and near the check-out lanes, and the boxes they had emptied to fill the shelves were put in the cage for anyone to use. I thought it was a great re-cycling idea. The boxes were getting re-used and people were saving money and using less bags.

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    Mike Baldwin creator over 1 year ago

    the foam peanuts did not impress.

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