The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for May 17, 1999
Man: So what are you doing waiting in line for opening day? You don't look like the average "Star Wars" fanatic. Huey: What's that supposed to mean? Man: Well, it's just... You know... Huey: No, I don't know... Man: Well, you're not a white male, aged 19-34, with no life and a really stupid costume. No offense. Huey: Absolutely none taken.
midohrihana22 almost 15 years ago
why does this dude look like jesus?
327colts over 14 years ago
idk… what does jesus look like?
OmaplatAnnonymous over 14 years ago
cant really be jesus boondocks jesus is black …and hes not prone to assault
boogiewoogie almost 13 years ago
jesus was half moabite half jewish he lived in egypt but he wasnt african