The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 29, 2014
Huey: A school named after J. Edgar Hoover...this has to be a bad omen. Jazmine: My parents were talking about him last night. They called him a name I'd never heard before. I can't remember what it was... Huey: Fascist? Jazmine: No. Huey: Racist? Jazmine: No. Huey: Murderer? Jazmine: No. It started with a "T." Huey: Tyrannical terrorist? Jazmine: No. It was "Trans-something" was "extra-transvestrial"!! No, that wasn't it, shoot!
krys723 almost 11 years ago
rickool almost 11 years ago
garyomason almost 11 years ago
Hoover being a tranny was only a shocker at that time! Today, that is almost a requirement for political office!
garyomason almost 11 years ago
Honestly, I am speaking from very limited info. Whatever Hoov’s kink was or anyone else’s for that fact is their choice. The image of dudes in skirts with assault rifles is actually kind of terrifying(lol). I’ve seen quite a few women with more facial hair than me out here in AZ and that too is a bit unsettling(lol).
aerilim almost 11 years ago
“Transvestite, Transylvanian” Rocky Horror Picture Show….
pshea almost 11 years ago
Man! He was a Flaming Transvestrial!