The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for May 08, 2022
Jazmine: I don't think I'm pretty. Who would want to marry me? Do you think I'm pretty, Huey? Huey: Uh huh, sure... Whatever you said... Jazmine: Really!? You think I'm pretty? No one ever said I was pretty before. I guess we'll be getting married then! Huey: Whoa... What was that? Jazmine: Oh, Huey! You're so wonderful. I'll always remember how great you are. You'll make a perfect husband. We'll play house and stuff... Huey: Excuse me!? Jazmine: But wait... You don't like playing house, do you? How can we be together if we don't share interests. Huey: Um, I'm confused. Jazmine: We're having problems, Huey. We have lifestyle differences. I don't think it's going to work out... Huey: Um, but... Jazmine: Oh well, we can still be friends. Bye!! Riley: Yo, what was that about? Huey: If it was a foreshadowing of grown-up relationships, I'd like to stay a kid for a long time...
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce you Juey?
djtenltd almost 3 years ago
This chick puts the “D” in delusional! Crazy and mixed up don’t even BEGIN to describe Jasmine! She’s going to have a hard time when she starts becoming a teenager!
Ellis97 almost 3 years ago
If Huey and Jazmine did get married, I think they’d be pretty content. Even if they have different outlooks on life, they share a common goal to make the world a better place and want to usher in a new era of unity, harmony and progress.
TexTech almost 3 years ago
That’s what you say now, Huey. Just wait a few years when the hormones kick in big time.
Betrayral In The Common Room almost 3 years ago
I always wondered what Huey would be as an adult.
kaffekup almost 3 years ago
And you’re right, Huey!