The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for June 16, 2022
Huey: Golly. I'm famished. How about some ham and eggs? Granddad: Ham!? Since when do you eat "swine"? Huey: Enough with that "swine" tomfoolery. Pork is the "other white meat." Yummy! Granddad: OK, boy - that's it. What is up wit' you? Huey: Granddad, I'm trying to show you what could become of me if you fall into the government's plan to brainwash and assimilate me in that godforsaken elementary school! Granddad: (Sigh) By now I should have known better than to have even asked. Huey: Well, did it work? Are you sufficiently petrified?
It’s hard to tell which education system is good or bad.