The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for July 29, 2022
Huey: You're actually going to change our street name? Riley: You dang skippy. I'm not livin' on timid deer lane, son. Why shouldn't I change it? Huey: It's called defacing public property. They'll lock you up, dummy. Riley: What about my right to live on a street with a name of my choosing? Huh? Huey: And which amendment to the constitution would that be? Riley: Uh... I don't know. The second? Huey: That's your right to have guns. Riley: Well I don't - Hold up. I have a right to have guns?! How come nobody told me?!
Unless Grandpa gifts you a Rifle you will need to wait a few years while keeping your record clean. Just never forget with great power comes great responsibility.