The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 12, 2023
Huey: Mr. Petto... I have what I believe to be a pertinent question about today's history lesson. John: (Sigh) uh... Yes, Huey... What's your question? Huey: How much do you get paid for this? I mean, how much do you make to keep the masses ignorant and stagnate the mental growth of the youth to ensure they never rebel against the system? Basically, what is the going rate for your soul? John: 32,625 dollars and 27 cents a year, before taxes. Huey: Well, enjoy your ill-gotten riches while you can - the day of reckoning fast approaches.
This strip originally went out in the early to mid-2000s and teach salaries — like most salaries — are still around that range. But don’t worry, our corporate overlords will get their bailout of the 2nd largest bank failure in US history starting tomorrow. Now get back to the office even though you can do the job more efficiently at home, we need you there for something or other