As the male clock said to the female clock as they were leaving the singles club: “When you get home tonight, give me a ring!”
The country rooster is not an alarm clock; he just happens to be done with a hen and starts crowing about it in the morning.
The rooster sure seems cock-sure of himself. (That is about as far as I should go with the given terminology.)
Dana Summers
April 03, 2015
Lyons Group, Inc. over 10 years ago
As the male clock said to the female clock as they were leaving the singles club: “When you get home tonight, give me a ring!”
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
The country rooster is not an alarm clock; he just happens to be done with a hen and starts crowing about it in the morning.
Jeff0811 over 10 years ago
The rooster sure seems cock-sure of himself. (That is about as far as I should go with the given terminology.)