I was around 35 when my tonsils came out. It turned out to be a major surgery. During the recovery I ate and drank nothing for 19 days. I lost 27 lbs. At one point I thought to try an ice cream cone. It was like eating razor blades and glass shards. First food after that time was baby food squash. Nothing tasted so good! On checking up the doc told me he had been doing this surgery for over 20 years and never saw tonsils as bad as mine were. My airway was about the size of a #2 pencil. He said he put in over 300 stitches when it was all done. I lost tonsils, soft pallet and uvula as well as adenoids. Now nothing feels so good as an ice cold drink going down. Hot stuff hurts.
I was around 35 when my tonsils came out. It turned out to be a major surgery. During the recovery I ate and drank nothing for 19 days. I lost 27 lbs. At one point I thought to try an ice cream cone. It was like eating razor blades and glass shards. First food after that time was baby food squash. Nothing tasted so good! On checking up the doc told me he had been doing this surgery for over 20 years and never saw tonsils as bad as mine were. My airway was about the size of a #2 pencil. He said he put in over 300 stitches when it was all done. I lost tonsils, soft pallet and uvula as well as adenoids. Now nothing feels so good as an ice cold drink going down. Hot stuff hurts.