Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for July 20, 2015
Puck: Puck here. Still awake. Lupin, take it away. ZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ Tommy: Time to get a move on! You warm enough? Elvis: I think so. Tommy: Never guess she's artificial! Tommy: Looks like we're all clear! Tommy: Whew! It snowed a whole bunch! SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE Tommy: Your house is just down the road and around the corner! I know the way really well. SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE Elvis: You are in our back yard a LOT. Tommy: I like to look in and feel a part of things! Tommy: It reminds me of the good old days. Baby: Mow mow, mow mow! Woman: ELVIS! Man: Welcome back, goofball! Baby: Mow mow PURRR PURRR PURRR Woman: Oh, Elvis! You came back!
I am sooo relieved, but please, please get Tommy a home.