Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for March 07, 2016
Lupin: It's fuzzy blanket season! Elvis: It's the season cats everywhere eagerly await, Lupin. Finally it's fuzzy blanket time. Elvis: And the livin's easy. Lupin: Here's Puck with the history of fuzzy blankets. Puck: Lupin, since the dawn of catkind, cats have been cozying up to brave warriors to share their fluffy coverings. Puck: Here we have the timeless scene of shelter provider, faithful beast, and fuzzy wrappings, and a war, inviting glow to contemplate in the darkness. Tommy: Tommy here, live with two folks celebrating this great season! Tommy and Sophie's Woman: Hey, sweet goof! Tommy: Do you have a comment, mysterious lady cat? Sophie: Thomas, please. I'm trying to relax. Tommy: Fair enough! Follow up question: Would you like to be best friends? Puck: I don't know what creature this hide comes from.... Puck: But it must be magnificent. Man: Honey, have you seen my pen? Woman: I'd help you look, but I'm trapped under a pile of cats.
I’ve often been paralyzed by COL (Cat on Lap).