Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 03, 2016
Lupin: There's nothing outside! Lupin: Elvis? Elvis: Lupin, cats woke up today to find everything GONE. Only a few patches of sky remain. Elvis: Here's Puck with the People's reaction. Puck: I'm live in a pile of blankets, Elvis. From what I can see, the People are coping with hot chocolate. Puck: It's an end-of-the-world marshmallow cocoa jamboree. Elvis: Better to gaze into a cloud of marshmallow than the vast, stark void of all we once knew. Elvis: Plus, reports indicate it's very chilly. Lupin: Elvis, what's that behind you? Elvis: Nice try, Lupin. Elvis: You just want me to contemplate the void AND GO INSANE. Lupin: (Puff) Puck: Elvis, I see it too. It looks like a tiny cat with way too many toes. Elvis: Now you guys are just scaring me- Lupin: (TAP TAP) ...Mister?
Polly Dactyl?