Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for September 14, 2016
Lupin: The man has to get up early tomorrow. Here's Elvis with continuing coverage. Elvis: Lupin, I'm here where the man is trying to fall asleep. Here's Puck with more. Puck: The man has an important job interview tomorrow, so its crucial he wake up early. Lupin: We here at CN news will not rest until the man does. Elvis, is the man asleep? Elvis: Nope. Puck: I'm slowly knocking everything off this shelf so these things won't distract him. Man: PUCK STOP! Lupin: I'm batting the man's cell phone under the bed so the alarm won't disturb him. Man: Not now Lupin GO TO SLEEP! Elvis: We're in hour 7 of the man trying to sleep- Man: OH GOD STOP IT!!
Cat racing across the bed at 5:45 AM . . . .so helpful.