Tommy reminds me of the kid who could not do a pull up on the old “Presidential Fitness Test” that many of us had to endure back in the ’60s through ’80s. Kids would skip school for a day if they knew they had to deal with pull ups, 600 yard runs, sit ups, push ups, throwing a softball so your arm would go out of socket etc…. IMHO the test rewarded the jocks who always got the top 10 percentile awards and shamed those who needed the most help getting fit and further distanced them from even liking PE class……
Tommy reminds me of the kid who could not do a pull up on the old “Presidential Fitness Test” that many of us had to endure back in the ’60s through ’80s. Kids would skip school for a day if they knew they had to deal with pull ups, 600 yard runs, sit ups, push ups, throwing a softball so your arm would go out of socket etc…. IMHO the test rewarded the jocks who always got the top 10 percentile awards and shamed those who needed the most help getting fit and further distanced them from even liking PE class……