I had a handsome fluffy boy named Otto who loved to woosh his paws through candle flame. Not cool Otto not cool. He thought it was awesome. Really scared my mom when the power was out and she had candles out all over the house and the candles in the bathroom started flickering. Woosh, woosh. Woosh woosh. Fow a few moments I think she was very very scared and she found Otto sitting on the corner of the Bath tub just playing away.
I had a handsome fluffy boy named Otto who loved to woosh his paws through candle flame. Not cool Otto not cool. He thought it was awesome. Really scared my mom when the power was out and she had candles out all over the house and the candles in the bathroom started flickering. Woosh, woosh. Woosh woosh. Fow a few moments I think she was very very scared and she found Otto sitting on the corner of the Bath tub just playing away.